Game Crashes, I reconnect and can't see anything (OSX)

Discussion in 'Support!' started by thegovernor94, August 20, 2015.

  1. thegovernor94

    thegovernor94 New Member

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    So my game crashes usually halfway through a match, but upon reconnecting, the game loads, i get transported to a view of the solar system like i usually would, except, i can't see any of my units, buildings... or particularly anything for that matter. I could see the economy bar fine, you could hear the computer screaming about how units are blowing up, things have been spotted and other stuff like that, just can't see anything. Is there anything i can do to fix this ?
  2. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    That seems to happen occasionally. Though more to some people than others. Does it always happen for you?
    Also, PA shouldn't crash of course. Could you post a DxDiag.txt if you are on Windows or say which version of Linux or Mac OS X you are using? You can make a DxDiag.txt by pressing <WinKey>+R, typing "dxdiag", and press "Save All Information...". Upload the resulting file here using the "Upload a File" button on this forum.
  3. thegovernor94

    thegovernor94 New Member

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    Yeah, usually actually when the game gets pretty intense it decides it wants to crash, which is usually halfway through a match for me. And by intense i mean when there are lots of units running around and stuff, although, i presume it's a ram issue, I have late 2013 Macbook Pro with Retina Display 13inch with 8Gbs of Ram. And i'm running OS X Yosemite (OS X 10.10)
  4. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Yeah, it could be memory. Are you playing single player games or multiplayer? If the crashes are with single player, you might want to try turning off the local server. That will make your single player games run on Uber's servers instead of on your laptop. (This of course requires you to be on-line all the time). You can find that setting in Settings -> Server -> Local server.

    You can also try keeping the Activity Monitor open and keep an eye on the memory usage. If the game crashes again, what's was the memory usage?
  5. thegovernor94

    thegovernor94 New Member

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    It crashes in both single player and multiplayer. (and yes i did turn of the local server thing) Although, in single player it crashes much earlier, like the game hasn't even gotten really started, not that many units and stuff and it just decides it wants to crash. So i usually play multiplayer, and i had the activity monitor open and this is where it was when it decided it wanted to stop responding

    Attached Files:

  6. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Well, that rules out the memory as it's barely using half.

    Could you post a few PA logs from the crashes? You can find those in "~/Library/Application Support/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/log" (where ~ is your home directory). There is likely a lot of them, so you can delete them all, and then start PA and make it crash. Then upload the newly created log here.

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