I've run into a bit of a problem while playing Galaxy War on my Mac, the fact that if you obtain three levels of slot upgrades you can no longer click on the dialog box for any new equipment. I've tried changing the resolution settings for both the game and my computer, but to no avail. I can't continue my Galactic War campaign without clicking on the new technology dialog box, but it is overlapped by my existing three stacks of technology. If the Mac version of PA could go into fullscreen mode I think this would fix the problem, because I've watched replays of PC players who run fullscreen and the dialog boxes do not overlap to this extent. So basically my campaign is stuck because I can't access the the new technology dialog box. Overall I think this update has been fantastic, and just adding fullscreen support for Mac would nip this issue in the bud.
There is a workaround that was posted in this thread: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/galactic-warfare-tech-ui-bug-unable-to-proceed.60014/