Galatic War player vs player

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mafoon, May 23, 2014.

  1. mafoon

    mafoon Member

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    It's only just come out but I can already see the player vs player meta game that could be had. Form a faction with your buddies, the faction leader scrolls the lobby of galactic war games checking for which settings they want to play on:
    • Galactic Overlord- the third party player that plays arbitrator of the rules and decides the layout, starting positions and tech placements.
    • Galaxy size.
    • Number of factions.
    • Faction size/number of commanders per faction.
    • The turn rate- once a day, once every other day, once a week etc.
    • The turn order- simultaneous first come first served (the mad dash once next turn starts) or set order you play then we play.
    • Late joiners- open game others can jump into unclaimed space or closed game no other factions can jump in.

    The faction jumps into a new galactic war on an uber size map with 2 other factions each of 4 players, one turn per day, set turn order, no late joiners and run by a fair Galactic Overlord they've played with before and highly rated.
    The factions commanders are placed in adjoining systems to each other and play in an order they choose, all systems other than starting ones are unclaimed. The 4 commanders each take their turn gathering more territory and filling tech slots, they turn over, then the next faction goes and so on and they keep going around, the turn rate comes into effect when one of the factions decides they wish to pause ("I need to go bed" *as the sun begins to rise outside*), they have until the given time to make their next turn before a turn over is forced. You have to beat an AI to claim someone else's territory, that AI having the same slotted techs as the commander that took it.
    When commanders meet they get notified of the fight and they must arrange the game which may happen immediately if they are both in the galactic lobby watching the turns or the turn rate can come into effect again if the player's fail to fight forcing a turn over while the combat remains unresolved, both players missing their turns until the combat is resolved or the Galactic Overlord chooses a victor or mutual annihilation.
    thoughts? It's an official tournament when uber are GO.
    (I thought Galactic Overlord would be a nice name for Game Master, GO=GM)
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Multiplayer Galactic War is a confirmed addition.

    It certainly is going to be awesome.

    I can't wait to participate in various clan wars.
    mafoon likes this.

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