Galactic War "Failed to Start game" / pseudo solution

Discussion in 'Support!' started by assteepee, May 27, 2014.

  1. assteepee

    assteepee New Member

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    Galactic War seems to work fine until after the first battle. When you try to start a second battle you get "failed to start game" and are brought back to the galactic war screen. Here the only option you have is to initiate the battle again, which will continue to result in failed to start game. At this point it doesn't matter if you save and exit or alt f4 or whatever, anytime you come back to try and initiate the second battle again you will be met with "failed to start game. There's obviously alot of threads here about it and lots of people saying it's the servers being down but I've had this issue consistently since the patch hit.

    I did however find a pseudo solution to this. After the first battle , I coul explore the galactic map and collect whatever tech. But before I initiated the second battle, I saved and exited the game completely. After restarting, I was able to start the second battle just fine. I did this before every subsequent battle, and the game started each battle successfully. However at one point I clicked "Fight" before saving and exiting the game completely, and I was once again be met with "Failed to start game". At this point restarting the game no longer allowed me to continue.
    bastian0483 likes this.
  2. bastian0483

    bastian0483 New Member

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    I got the same problem, failing to start another game after having one galactic war battle.

    Restarting the client works fine then, but really annoys playing galactic war.
    I know you're working this Uber, hope you'll find a solution soon.
  3. mrphooey

    mrphooey New Member

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    I actually get that message before the first encounter. I can travel the systems fine, but when it comes to loading a fight, it won't work.

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