Galactic War error (titan)

Discussion in 'Support!' started by mf4466, August 23, 2015.

  1. mf4466

    mf4466 New Member

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    im unable to even get into a game with out the game freezing and crashing, i want to play simple game of galactic war but all that happens is the game UI with back button, how to play, and play now but none of the buttons work and i have to use TM to force close the application. i also just installed & rebooted new/updated drivers. validity of cache is also done and i redownloaded 2 times so yeah.Dxdiag info added so like yeah boysss or girls if your either one. help me plze!!!!!

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  2. Caricifus

    Caricifus Member

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    I don't have the DxDiag because I am lazy, but I can confirm that this was happening to me as well. It has since stopped but upon attempting to actually start a game of Galactic War the simulation crashes as my commander lands on the planet and it goes back to the Galactic war screen.
  3. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Could both of you try turning the local server off and see if it still happens? That will require an internet connection to play though.
  4. nozz94

    nozz94 New Member

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    It would appear I'm having the same issues. Did you find a fix at all?

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