Galactic war- can't build Zeus or Helios. Help required!

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by dreadnought808, August 21, 2015.

  1. dreadnought808

    dreadnought808 Member

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    Hi gang!

    I've tinkered with the Galactic war Start cards, so I start with full tech and not have to wade through the slightly boring first few games every time.

    Always worked like a charm, but I've just noticed I cannot build the Zeus or Helios. All the others work.

    I've got this in my start card:


    That should do the trick, it works for everything, EXCEPT for Zeus or Helios. Can't build it from either the orbital or advanced aircraft. Am I missing something?

    I've not tested yet without the small mod (gotta get lucky with card drops, thus a big time investment)

    Thanks for the help!
  2. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Zeus is in /pa/units/air/titan_air/titan_air.json

    Helios is in /pa/units/orbital/titan_orbital/titan_orbital.json
  3. dreadnought808

    dreadnought808 Member

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    After checking the support section, it seems there's some people missing these two in an unmodded galactic war too!
    Did I bump into a bug?
    Do I win a cookie?

    And thanks Stuart, I'll give that a quick try right now.
    stuart98 likes this.
  4. kostasfighter9

    kostasfighter9 New Member

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    try to find the titan files in pa_ex1\units\air and orbital just move them to pa\units\air and orbital + do the change in enable titans MAY NOT WORK

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