Galactic War Bug: If you click during a system move and system scan, game sticks.

Discussion in 'Support!' started by thetrophysystem, May 23, 2014.

  1. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    So, I moved systems I had already owned, landed back on my spawn space to move a different direction.

    So, while the commander was moving, I clicked the system after the next to move to. Then the game said scanning system, the spawn one I already owned, and I had clicked the next move when it said this. Then, the scanning went away, but nothing became selectable anymore. My mouse over allows me to hover over systems, but clicking doesn't select even neighboring allied or neutral ones and there is no jump or explore buttons.

    Possible ideas: The game thinks I have already moved but the game hasn't moved me so it is waiting for me to land where I said I moved. Or, the game was attempting to bring up a tech screen I didn't address and now that screen doesn't come up but I can't move without having given a selection.

    Either way, it reproduces when Loading it again. As in, it even loads the "jammed" UI issue where nothing can be clicked. Since loading remains jammed, I will store this war and hope it gets fixed so I can continue it later. Thank you.

    This bugtracker below isn't mine, it is tehtrekd's, thanks to him for actually using the bugtracker, and even furnishing how to reproduce it.

    Bugtracker below, if you get this issue then please click the link and upvote:
  2. legatoreborn

    legatoreborn New Member

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    Yep this just happened to me, I'm stuck now :(

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