[G66567] stutters, hitching, and unresponsiveness

Discussion in 'Support!' started by elodea, May 24, 2014.

  1. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    Few types of responsiveness issues in this new build with the release of galactic wars

    1. The ones due to bandwidth optimisation.

    Stutter and rubber banding when using the double click zoom to unit function when units are off screen. Please give us the option of turning off this low bandwidth optimisation so that the client is being sent data of all our units all the time like the old builds. Very annoying.

    2. Random stutters

    What seems to be high apm/command rate causes the game to become totally unresponsive to mouse/keyboard commands and freezes the camera. Also happens during situations which have alot of action happening - the game just becomes very sluggish and unresponsive with the camera frequently locking or moving sluggishly.

    3. Selection lag is not exactly gone

    Doing the following sequence at a fair speed causes the game to stop registering commands. Only starts working again after camera movement.
    a) group recall 1 factory/unit
    b) right click to issue move order
    c) left click to deselect factory/unit
    d) go to a

    4. Factory commands
    Giving patrol commands for the bot factory causes produced combat fabbers to idle on the steps instead of following patrol orders atleast 9 out of 10 times.

    5. Camera responsiveness
    Seems to depend on network lag? That is, camera becomes sluggish as network load increases or lost packets. If this is so, is it possible to get the camera to work smoothly independent of network updates?

    Correct me on this point if i'm wrong. No idea how camera movement has been actually coded.
    Last edited: May 24, 2014
    J1mB091 and FSN1977 like this.

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