Future updates should be free

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by V5S, August 20, 2010.

  1. V5S

    V5S New Member

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    If/when UberEnt create more content for MNC, I urge you to make it free. While this may sound unreasonable, the issue isn't my unwillingness to pay, but rather the community as a whole. If you were to release a paid DLC, the more devoted of us (including myself) would buy it within hours. However, the vast majority of the community would say something like "It's an arcade game, I'm not paying MORE money for such a trivial game." As a result, those of us who paid for it would be completely unable to find a match within a month or two of the DLC's release. I've seen it happen before, and it's frankly a depressing sight, usually because the DLC is cool enough to be worth the money.
  2. xTHE MEAT

    xTHE MEAT New Member

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    I agree with what you are saying but it really is unreasonable since correct me if im wrong , the money that is used to further develope new content for our newest addiction will come from the game purchase itself and paid add ons. Im all for free stuff but hey the game was 15 bucks and is by far the most fun ive had in a long time, and id be more than happy to give these guys more of my money!
  3. Qbakies

    Qbakies New Member

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    I can't imagine that we would ever have to pay for an update. DLC is another matter. As for DLC I would like it to be free just because charging would fracture the player base. While this game has a lot of players now by the time Halo, CoD, and MoH come out I have a feeling that the player base is going to go through a drastic draw down.
  4. karr1z4j2

    karr1z4j2 New Member

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    For new DLC (like maps) why not just take the Halo route.
    At first you have to pay for it but eventually it becomes free for everyone.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I was just going to say something similar. Instead though have a weekend or week period where the DLC is free. Say the first month or so us hardcore players will have to buy it. Then the free week/end will come for the rest to d/l it. After that it's back to it's original price. If by then not enough players have it and/or it stops selling drop it to Xbla Deal of the Week.

    I have to say the game only cost $15 so I don't see them charging an arm and leg for DLC. I would gladly pay $5 (about 320 microsoft points) for added content. I don't know about you all but I would happily pay them for content knowing that the game is and will be updated and not forgotten about.
  6. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Magic: The Gathering would disagree.

    I bet other people have examples, but that's the first one that comes to mind. Last I knew, it was still on the top 20 Arcade titles by download. I don't know how typical it is, but I rarely have trouble finding games with people using the expansion packs.
  7. Zuonius

    Zuonius New Member

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    What if Uber did free updates and only made you pay for additional content?
  8. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    Ah, look at TF2, free updates to a game means it becomes much more popular people play it for much longer, talk about it more and then new players join in. More players = more Moolah! :mrgreen: Plus it looks good on the developers, they look like good nice people that like to give away free stuff... Nicer Developers = better community

    (moolah = money)
  9. rich merry

    rich merry New Member

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    i hate to compare it to TF2 but arn't the free updates available on pc/mac not on 360 because M$ wanted valve to charge? wouldn't it cost the guys at uber money for any updates made because M$ charge by the size of content, regardless of what it is?
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    There is a big difference between an Update and Downloadable Content. An update is used to fix bugs and other issues, which all games do for free. We should all know what DLC is but for those who aren't sure it's added content that wasn't included with original purchase.

    On a side note the big reason TF2 DLC for PC are free is because Steam is owned by Valve.
  11. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    The second part of that has to be bunk, and I'm not sure the first part is completely true, given there is free content for at least a handful of games.
  12. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    Microsoft is very much against free DLC. I don't think they will be able to do major updates without charging. However, they could make sure to charge a reasonable price instead of going Modern Warfare 2 and charging $15 for a handful of shitty maps.
  13. Monty

    Monty New Member

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    Keep in mind that Uber Entertainment is a small developer. They don't have seemingly unlimited amounts of money like larger developers Bungie, Valve, and others. If there is DLC, I wouldn't be surprised if it would cost some money. That being said, I would have no problem forking over some dough for some quality DLC.
  14. hellkingcqh

    hellkingcqh New Member

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    ok here is what i would pay for how much content they give

    a few new maps 80-100(MSP)

    a decent batch that is not to large but half the size of the game data we got now

    last a huge update that is same size little bigger or just a little smaller the 800(MSP)

    plz no more of this bs 1200 msp stuff i hate haveing to buy 1600 and getting stuck with 400 with nothing to use it on go 800 or dont go at all plz... so annoying
  15. Ownage Messiah

    Ownage Messiah New Member

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    I think we should have to pay for DLC. Uber Entertainment is new to the gameing world and its future is very very bright but MNC isnt that popular at the moment. Now sure the majority of players arent dedicated but if they dont want to pay for a DLC then thier loss. Uber could use that money to make even more DLC's in the future. Their not IW who's game sold millions then got cocky and made DLC's both a wopping 1200 msp.

    If anything we shouldnt be worrying about makeing Uber sacrifice everything makeing the DLC free and worry about makeing this game popular so we dont have to worry about those pesky casual players.

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