Full screen, HUD stuff and more...

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by egillsverdgaur, August 1, 2013.


You think the shield idea is a good one?

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  1. egillsverdgaur

    egillsverdgaur New Member

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    I realize that a lot of this is simply due to the game being in alpha and that some of these suggestions may not belong in this particular place, but I fairly certain that no one will get injured despite their placements.

    1. I can't seem to put the game in full-screen mode.

    2. I would like to be able to rotate the camera freely.

    3. I would like it if I could see how many and what units I have currently selected.

    4. Deselecting units should not make a sound.

    5. Give different units different sound clips when you select them and different sounds when you order them around.

    6. Patrol doesn't seem to be doing anything. My air-units sometimes fly in circles (which is what I want them to be doing) whilst some land at random.

    7. Make command groups easier to see even if they aren't selected.

    8. I can't seem to select workers and military units at the same time (I need to be able to do that for certain strategies.)

    9. I think units should be able to pass through debris. I've had workers blocked of by crashed bombers.

    10. Mineral patches have spawned in cliffs and canyons.

    11. I feel the animations of buildings getting destroyed should be more flashy, same with air units crashing into the ground. It would ad flavor :D

    12. The mini-map could just be what your radars detects.

    13. Shields might be a good counter for long range attacks. Think about a generator that spawns a spherical shield in an X radius around it.The shield could recharge Y energy/second so you can take down the shield two ways. Simply put constant pressure on it until you're doing more DAM/sec then it can recharge or sen units into the shield and destroy the generator. Make it so that projectiles can't pass inn our out of the shield so it's a somewhat double-edge sword.

    That's all for now.

    Egill out.
    Last edited: August 1, 2013
  2. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    1 - There is a work-around for that made by... I think it was sxx. Look it up, you should find it in the... Alpha? Forums?
    2 - Hold space and hold down mouse3. Alternatively press M to toggle free camera and use WASD to move the camera around, mouse3 to look around and Shift to increase speed.
    3 - To be implemented
    4 - Deselecting units doesn't make a sound, clicking does.
    5 - To be implemented (possibly), but this isn't Starcraft with their Blizzard-Sized budget.
    6 - To patrol you must set up multiple waypoints; unlike supcom, your unit's current location does *NOT* act as a patrol waypoint. Confusing yes, but it makes sense if you play with it.
    7 - To be implemented (possibly)
    8 - Just select your units and order them, then you workers. The only order you would have to give to both simultaneously would be a move order, which you should want to give separately anyways.
    9 - Nope. Pathfinding will improve but wrecks will always block unit movement.
    10 - Known bug with mex generation
    11 - Again, budget limitations. It may be added in late beta before retail, or by modders
    12 - Minimaps have been discussed at exhaustible length, and they tend to start flame wars at this point. Uber is *looking* at minimaps, they aren't necessary if you keep a constant vigil over your army though.
    13 - Shields have *also* been discussed at further excessive lengths, Uber is opposed to adding classic bubble shields, and there have been copious tons of suggestions for alternative to classic bubble shields; this is just another classic bubble shield.

    Sorry if my wordwall reads as aggressive or hostile, a lot of these are duplicates of previously discussed bugs, issues and suggestions.

    Edit: Also, don't repost previously reported grievances, especially those previously reported by yourself. It does nothing but annoys everyone involved.
  3. egillsverdgaur

    egillsverdgaur New Member

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    Yes I noticed that. It was a mistake on my behalf.
    I will never forgive you!
    Or will I?
    Let's read on... ;)
  4. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I think units which can reclaim or destroy wrecks should be able to do that automatically if they blocked, but wrecks should always block the way, it's important part of gameplay.

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