We had a party of 6 and then ppl joined and it just stayed like there wasnt a full game so funny only time i have seen it.
I had the same thing happen earlier today. I assume there was a party of 6 (I was lone wolfing) and we had just finished a game. Someone had left during the post-game stats but the game still filled to 12 before we got to the lobby. The status of the game was "Waiting for players" even though the lobby was full. It stayed like that for a few minutes before the host dropped after everyone noticed the countdown wasn't starting.
Yep, I just had this happen to me. Party of 6 joined a lobby already with 6 people in it and nothing happen. Just said "Waiting For Players" until the host quit.
Annoying at 2:30 in the morning though when it takes 10-15 minutes just to get the full room in the first place.
Pretty sure I was there for that one too! I saw yer name there in the lobby but it wouldn't start up....
I was with hell when this happened. I know that they had a full party of 6 (didn't know when i joined) I joined their game in progress, I was put on the opposite team, finished the match out, we went back to the lobby screen and it just sat there. Could it be because I joined as a 7th player?