From us Backers The official thanks

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by rovetjw, September 5, 2014.

  1. rovetjw

    rovetjw Member

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    we all now that some studios ruined their games and most are not listening so good to their fans or give answer to them so i think we must thank the hole Uber team for listening to us on the road we made and sure their is stil work to be done but listen to this concept a game is never perfect !!



  2. krypticwarrior

    krypticwarrior Member

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    Thank you Uber for keeping the family line of Annihilation games going! I love this game!
  3. kreidos

    kreidos New Member

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    Not to muddy the clear waters of paradise here; but many of us are still waiting for them to "give answer to them" on where offline play went.

    Thanks for the hard work so far though, and doubly thanks for writing Total Annihilation, Jon and crew! I can play that perfectly when my internet is out!
    Last edited: September 7, 2014
  4. ataman

    ataman New Member

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    I'll not complain about missing features or the screwed balance, enough people are doing that already.

    But I won't thank them either. That I'll do when the game is ready.
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I will admit, I had to reread this post before clicking "post reply", I still hope my tone is acceptable.

    But this is totally not the time or place for this. I will not link the 6 other threads I know are still open for this. It does not have to literally be posted in every other thread of any and every other type until you get offline though. We make a lot of threads in 2 months, if it took 2 months, I would just give up on life and voluntarily stop breathing...

    Seriously, you don't technically have to give thanks either, it is a mutual "money-for-game" trade, like any other form of "making a living", and the game industry is very tricky, Markiplier doing a video will unexpectedly make a payout of a game development achieve millions more otherwise unaccountedly, and an angry mob citing "features or riot" will just as inversely sink an otherwise equal game. This literally means a crappy game can go viral and a great game can sink. It doesn't oft happen, most viral games deserve it, but 5 Nights at Freddy's for instance, not a whole lot of development there in terms of cost input, but huge from synergy.

    In light of this, I am honestly asking you to become slightly less like a well organized syndicate working together to spread negativity, and slightly more addressive to the issue itself. This so far is becoming less about the issue, and more about bloodlust. If it isn't about bloodlust, then just what exactly are you doing? It should be clear to most anyone here the kind of word choice is destructive and not constructive.
  6. metzelmann

    metzelmann New Member

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    Just: Thank you a lot! :)
  7. ataman

    ataman New Member

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    I honestly don't care how long it takes to finish the game and will certainly not participate in any hating brigade since I'm certain Uber will polish PA in the near future. I just think posting a thread saying "thank you - the backers"
    is inappropriate at the moment. If people like OP want voice their appreciation and thank Uber, do it, that's everybodies right. But please speak for yourself instead of us. Not everbody is happy with the current situation.
    squishypon3 and ace63 like this.
  8. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    Absolutely, thanks for all your hard work and delivering on your premise! It is a fantastic game and I can't wait to see what happens next!
    cdrkf likes this.
  9. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    I can't thank enough Uber to have built one of the most ambitious and exciting RTS ever made.
    Uber, kickstart anything you like, i will back again ;)
    planktum likes this.
  10. arbitraryranger

    arbitraryranger Member

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    Uber -

    Thank you. Thank you for all of the countless hours, the creativity, the humor, the awesome, and the ability to tolerate and put up with us fans whose vision for this game could only be matched by your superior talent. You guys are the only dev team that could make this game. Oh, and I can't wait to see you in game because I plan on destroying you with your own planets.

    Love long time,
  11. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I don't expect a lot of people to agree with one idea, they often don't. But this game has been very particular when a level of application is applied to it. That is what most of this community is about.

    As much as we have been able to do with this already, I appreciate this immensely.

    I just hope down the line, that everyone is appreciative of this in general, and forgives any hard feelings they harbor with this "first installment".

    Give us a continued experience with this already amazing game please. You rock Uber Staff.
  12. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    I had planned on doing my own post , but seeing as you beet me to it i'll just dive in and say....

    Big thankyou to all uber staff, being part of this game really has been a pleasure in a way that no other game has managed so far.

    I wish you all the best for your future endevours, and cant wait to see what the future holds for Pa.

    You should all be very proud. ;)
    thetrophysystem and cdrkf like this.
  13. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    to be honest, the post topic isn't original. I made at least 2 for PA, remember seeing 5.

    I can't argue I'm not a fanboy, I will but the evidence is against me so its something you'd have to believe me. However, randys will make these posts too, showing someone unbiased playing this game can enjoy it.

    average angry review of "move along nothing to see here" indeed... I just thought, y'know, there was something too see but it isn't surface shallow. The glaze a game has on top, making it look standard, is a missing thing with current PA, it doesn't follow a standard, matchmaking or save games in a traditional sense. But you gotta try new technology and if your into what's under the hood I feel you can't give thiss less than a 6/10. It works better for me, sad cuz my computers a junker, but just maybe that's why I would give it a solid 8 just to leave it two grades to strive for in updates.

    out of curiousity, it is a grade of 8 if PA ceased development, assuming they leave the servers and SMNC still have theirs so why not. It would be a 9 if player servers and chronocam reloading savegames were released. It would be a 10 if they went the extra mile and facilitated long term ladder and matchmake and mod database and management and hooks and new unit roles. It all looks like its waiting in line with a three digit number.
    Last edited: September 10, 2014
  14. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    Not quite sure I fully understand what your saying but having a high spec well maintained pc (also fast fiber optic internet) may be what's made my experience of Pa different to yours...

    I have had very few bugs and of those that I noticed did got fixed very quickly. I guess I am a little fanboyish about Pa, but then I really enjoy this type of Rts game. (just love the base building ;) )

    Big name publisher's seem to be moving away from large scale rt's (that's when there even considering rt's games at all) So the fact that uber has achieved so much on what is essentially a shoestring budget compared to game's like sup com is just amazing to me.
    squishypon3 and cdrkf like this.
  15. kantorai

    kantorai New Member

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    Yay! Thanks Uber from a happy backer!
    squishypon3 and cdrkf like this.
  16. slipstik

    slipstik New Member

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    Ill thank them when i can actually play the game more than 10 minutes. When i dont have to login and put up with lag just to play a solo game against the AI. I think Uber needs to go back to their kickstarter page and read what they promised us for our money. but you go ahead and thank them like all the other sheep.
  17. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    So if you like the game, you are a fan boy?
  18. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    Yep, I'm having all sorts of fun with it. Good work gentlemen.
    cdrkf likes this.
  19. darktactics

    darktactics Member

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    Its like the journey not the destination etc. Its nice to keep getting updates with improvements and ideas being implemented. I prefer this to buying a game that is considered 'finished' and then finding problems with it that wont get address. It feels like we are having our opinions heard by the devs. Even if there are many voices to hear and only soo much that can be done. We are still getting our say to some extent. I dont remember having this with other games I've played. I hope that kickstarter helps more Devs to bring players the kind of games they want. And that other Devs take note of the format followed by the Uber team.
    cdrkf likes this.

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