Friends Appearing offline, unable to see games, unable to add friends, overall frustration.

Discussion in 'Support!' started by 1stinkyfish, May 27, 2014.

  1. 1stinkyfish

    1stinkyfish New Member

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    I would like to start by saying that this game is incredible, and one of the best RTS's I have ever played. Although the game does need some balance done to it, it's already shaping up to be incredible.

    My friend and I have been having some very frustrating problems involved with matchmaking and the current friend system in place. I have been using it to invite people to games and set games to friend only, yet often times my friends are unable to see the games, even when I set them to a password, and appear offline on my friends list. I remove and readd them on my recent tab, but it does not seem to help the situation at all.

    On top of this, the lag we have been experiencing in multiplayer is horrendous. I would love for the option to have the load on the host's machine, rather than the Uber servers, as units slow down in the mid to late game, and the game eventually becomes unplayable. A possible way to help curb army growth is to add energy costs to each unit to slow production and encourage conflict.

    This game is overall a great experience, but there are a few key problems that I have spotted since purchasing it in the Spring sale on steam. Thank you very much for your time,

    1 Stinky Fish.
  2. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    Hey there and welcome to the forums!

    The problems you experience stem from the fact that the game is still in an early-access phase.
    I have experienced those also ever since the galactic war patch (was definitely better before) and they are sure to be fixed.
    You will be able to host your own games once the game goes out of early-access.

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