This. I'm all for friendly fire. If bot collision was added it'd be like a hardcore mode. I have to say though, HORRIBLE for pubs. Definitely only a closed match thing.
Agreed. In other games it's hard enough to worry about hitting your own teammates, in MNC having to worry about teammates and bots would be a nightmare
Does this mean you can use your heal/hurt gun as Support to drain your own team mate's health to refill your own? :lol:
lol, but That could actually become a strategy, think about the possibility of overhealing yourself trough a tank`s health at a beginning of a match so you could place your firebase at a more of a dangerous place to secure a spot for your team (lets say u can only overheal yourself with the hurt gun when you use it against your own team)
It's a good idea. I say that as the sniper. It sure as hell won't be me trapped in allied traps or demolished by flak 3's uberspread.
It wouldn't work, because if i would have Vlane on my team I couldn't resist and we would spawn kill each other
that makes me ask why snipers dont get caught in their own traps now? tanks are blinded and take damage from their own product nade assaults take damage and are set on fire from their bombs gunners are hurt by their mortars and supports by their airstrikes so why dont snipers set off their own traps?
Stupid question. You're comparing it to instant weapons. Better comparison would be why doesn't the support get hit by his own firebase?