Freshly stolen from the archives: Report on Sponsor Turrets

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat Art and Fiction' started by Darrus Dreadtiger, March 11, 2011.

  1. Darrus Dreadtiger

    Darrus Dreadtiger New Member

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    Note: This is all fictional, no suggestions, so don't worry -3-

    Just recently, as a result of some well-prepared industrial espionage, a document about a failed project regarding new sponsorship method came to public attention. Especially die-hard fans and techno-geeks were highly interested in the information this document provided. Unfortunately the spies as well as the group behind it were already captured, taken into custody and are now spending a nice, prolonged vacation in a governmental reeducation camp. Since the authorities are pursuing any leaked info it's highly recommended not opening the file you're reading just now.

    Just recently the MNC management had a series of hot meetings with the representative of sponsors of the series. The goal was to establish a newly designed series of turrets as additional advertisement material for additional income. After all, what could be a better advertisement than a turret named after your company or product that stands right in the most popular sport of these days?

    Sadly, out of the many sponsor turrets, only the two from LazeRazer was accepted into the armory of MNC and one of them with a highly questionable infamy. The other ten suffered considerable problems and were trashed and forgotten.

    Now, for your convenience, here is the list of turrets, that did not make it:

    Metabo Lightning Coil
    This turret contains a tesla coil whose concentrated bolts of energy spring over multiple targets depending on the level of the turret. The bolts do extra damage to bots and less damage to pros. The turret's hard strikes always prioritize bots over players, even though soft strikes may stray.

    Level 1: hits 1 target hard, 2 others soft
    Level 2: hits 2 targets hard, 4 others soft, adds mild stun on hard hits on bots
    Level 3: hits 3 targets hard, 6 others soft, adds mild stun on soft hits on bots
    Hacking: Increases range and recharge speed

    Rejected because:
    The immense energy needed to maintain these turrets seriously bloated the electricity bill for the arenas, where they were tested in.

    Steel Peeler
    The Steel Peeler emanates a highly corrosive dust, that reduces the armor of targets in range. It boosts the damage done to enemy bots and pros in the area without dealing damage itself.

    Level 1: lowers armor level by 1
    Level 2: lowers armor level by 2
    Level 3: lowers armor level by 3
    Hacking: increases range considerably

    Rejected because:
    The Steel Peeler's emitted dust was found to cause parts of the arena to corrode. Attempts to fine-tune the formula have failed. Also, when inhalated it may cause kidney failure...

    Iturba dampener
    The Iturba dampener sprays out a lingering cloud of engineered perfume that fills the field with a sweet smelling scent that lowers enemy accuracy by a mix of distraction, delight and receptor blockers. Whilst the smell is perceptible by both teams, it's dampening effect is engineered to affect only enemy pros.

    Level 1: Reduces accuracy by 1 level
    Level 2: Increased Range, reduces accuracy by 2 level
    Level 3: Increased Range, reduces accuracy by 3 level
    Hacking: Increase range and dampenes vision

    Rejected because:
    The committee found the delicious smell of the Turret way too distracting. Multiple pros preferred to gather around it to indulge in it's scent instead of killing each other. If applied too generously, it can cause blindness. Lastly, the smell lingered in the arena for twelve subsequent matches!

    Round Hound Ground Pound
    The Ground Pound turret contains a super-high mass collider array, which causes shockwaves, that repel enemy pros. It was designed as an early defense with low refire speed and moderate range and as possible defense against juiced pros.

    Level 1: Regular
    Level 2: Increased Range
    Level 3: Increased Range
    Hacking: might add stun when in range depending on hack level

    Rejected because:
    The constant, repeating seismic shocks caused the arena it was used in to become unstable. About a quarter of it collapsed and still has to be rebuilt.

    BionoGrip Tractor Shredder
    The Tractor Shredder utilizes one to three bionic hands to latch onto targets and pull them against itself. In the center of the turret a proton blade rotating at maximum speeds of 6000rpm would then slice the targets clean through. It was designed as a high damage turret which still is easy to avoid by careful pros.

    Level 1: grabs one target
    Level 2: grabs two targets instead of one and pulls harder
    Level 3: grabs three targets instead of two and increases damage
    Hacking: increases pull and range

    Rejected because:
    Engineering failures caused several test turrets to malfunction. The blade got loose and caused immense damage in the spectator sections. Also, a juiced tank ripped the turret clean out of the ground and swung it around like a morning star...

    Achilles Omniview
    The Omniview locks onto enemy pros in the vincinity and displays information about him to any pro in the arena. Very useful to easily spot threats near the own base. It's sensors penetrate walls.

    Level 1: Regular
    Level 2: Increases Range
    Level 3: Increases Range
    Hacking: Adds additional infomation in range depending on hack level, including juice level

    Rejected because:
    The dense cloud of wireless information surrounding the turrets caused bots to malfunction and cossack-dance off the edges of the test arena. Programmers have yet to find the cause for this.

    ApocaLIPS Radiator,
    The ApocaLIPS Radiator stores the same high-emission radioactive emitters used in the production of the popular product, which radiate... radiation... and lots of it, slowly injuring players and bots in range and debuffing them for a brief period of time after leaving range. It would also explode violently when destroyed and hurt -everyone- in range.

    Level 1: Regular range, debuffs health regeneration
    Level 2: Increased Range and damage, also Debuffs skill regeneration
    Level 3: Increased range and damage, also eats away juice
    Hacking: Increases range considerably

    Rejected because: doesn't really need to be said, but it was not a good idea to use live radioactive emitters in the field. The governmental committee designated is still trying to find a nice name for the beautiful massive crater one of the explosions left behind. Also, the emissions of a level three turrets were measured high enough to cause up to twelve sorts of cancer to all spectator rows.

    GrenADE Launcher
    The GrenADE Launcher was designed as a mix between the popular Rock-It and the Long Shot. it fires bouncing grenades against any targets in it's moderate range. Should the grenades not hit their target, they will still stray and might hit something or someone else.

    Level 1: 1x3 launcher
    Level 2: 2x3 launcher, longer range, faster fire
    Level 3: 3x3 launcher, longer range, faster fire
    Hacking: Increases firing rate.

    Rejected because:
    The GrenADE iii representative failed to show up after the testing to negotiate the contract details. Apparently he was way too busy enjoying time in one of the more... sleazy locations in town. Reports suggest that he has been fired and has contracted some unpleasant STD in the process. The turret design itself was fine as it was.

    This unique turret design would emit nanite clouds which cause the production of a strong painkiller inside enemy pros themselves. The result would be the inability to safely determine their state of health in battle.

    Level 1: Regular range, only affects health bar
    Level 2: Increased range, supresses on-hit effects
    Level 3: Increased range, supresses all hit-related effects
    Hacking: Increases range even more

    Rejected because:
    It not only caused the anti-doping committees to go ape-sh*t on the designers, but also led to several cases of muscle failures and comas in the field. The technology found it's way to other branches of medicine and military though.

    AmmoMule Bacon Station
    The questionably named bacon station is a quick reload station for all pros. It links to the pro's weaponry and automatically teleports the necessary ammunition right into the chamber. The energy created by this process is further used to bring the bacon in the chamber into a deliciously crispy state. Station bacon was planned to be sold at high prices after a match. The turret might drop the bacon after destruction.

    Level 1: Gives 1 ammo boost level and mild regeneration
    Level 2: gives 2 ammo boost levels and improved regeneration
    Level 3: Gives 3 ammo boost levels and magazines hardly ever go empty
    Hacking: Increases range considerably

    Rejected because:
    The smell of bacon would distract most of the pros in it's range, severely effecting their combat efficiency. It was debated whether or not this turret might replace the Iturba Dampener. A tank even broke the turret open and retrieved the delicious snack... also slight inconsistencies in the turret teleport algorithms caused the ammunition in the pro's weapons to detonate... that wasn't nice as well.

    The document contained lots of other informations and details about possible turret designs, but as of now we haven't been able to decipher the files yet. For your own personal security, please delete this file, your browser history, your OS, call your ISP to flush your connection list and, if all else fails greet D. Faychil in the camp should you ever see him... or if he's still alive.

    Best Regards,

    -A MNC tech enthusiast
    Last edited: March 11, 2011
  2. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    Awesomesauce! I liked the Bacon Station and the Steel Peeler the most. XD
  3. spookyspectre11

    spookyspectre11 New Member

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    dammit! they shoulda kept that gobi number, people wont know when to run away...damn you assaults!!! >.<
  4. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    How cute. Do go on I like these.

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