Free movement between planets.Benefits and problems.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by garibaldi5, June 5, 2013.

  1. garibaldi5

    garibaldi5 New Member

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    One of the most impressive aspects of the game is, beside of the mapdiversity and its destructibility,to play on multiple orbicular maps at the same time. They are all connected through outer space.

    But how is outer space and traveling in it, represented in the game.

    -Is it totally free roaming, so that you can click into the outer space and your
    rocket with the commander in it, or your boosted asteroid, will travel to this point, even if there is no planet at this point.Or will you only be able to travel from planet/asteroid to planet/astroid.Or maybe a mix between those counterparts,so that you can change the radius of your orbit around the sun by boosters, but not the circular type of movement.

    -Will there be fog of war in the outer space, or only fog of war on the planets and when yes ,will you be able to scout earlygame with an launched sattelite.Will this satellite be able to get onto an stable orbit around the enemyplanet, for long time scouting purpose, if you charged it with enough energy to make course corrections, so that you can extend the time till its crash into the atmosphere , given you precious time of scouting the surface of the planet.

    Can you even charge the satellite with different amounts of energy, so that it is your tactical decision how much energy you will spend, to maybe not only scout the location of the enemy planet, but also get into an stable orbit around it.More energy means more coursecorections.Without course corrections your asteroid travels only on an straight line, if he is far in the open space.Only if he gets closer to an planet, it gravitates towards it.

    -How will the rotation of the planets influence your traveling from planet to planet.

    -Will there be atileryfire between planets.How will it work. In regard of firering with a railgun, mounted on your planet, to the enemyplanet,is there the need of one of your own satellites orbiting the enemyplanet. So that shooting down this satellite, will prevent your enemy from getting hit by your railgunfire, if you have no other unit secretly sneaked on his planet, which gives you vision.

    -Will there be some giant astroidbelts in orbits around planets or the sun , or in clusters somewhere on the map.Will asteroids have metal in them, so that you can collect sunenergy on them and build booster out of their own material and build an army out of the asteroids own material which is getting bigger and bigger, the time you travel on the asteroid to the enemy planet.

    What i know so far about the solar system mechanics of the game is:

    -Planets are rotating around the sun.
    (but in an very slow pace so that it will take a while till the planet is not anymore in the
    area where you have scouted him first time a while ago, if there is fog of war in the
    other space)

    In this video you can see at 24min:20sec in their stellar view how planets are rotating.!

    -The scaling of the sun is at the moment hardcoded and not dependent on the size of
    the planets, and the distance between the planets is also compacted in comparison to
    real systems(that's no big surprise ).

    -Objects like asteroids or even curved out deathstar-like metallplanets can be used to
    travel between planets.

    What do you think about the benefits and problems of free movement between planets.Which interesting gameplaymechanics could be implemented, regarding this aspect of the game.
  2. garibaldi5

    garibaldi5 New Member

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    Come on lets get this thing rolling.Lets make assumptions about it and see if they fit the finished product or the alpha build. Its really not about micro.Not one word.I promise it will be fun.
  3. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    We know for sure this won't be the case, as it's one of the major cases they make against space combat.

    There's not much else I can see from your original post regarding movement options between planets.
  4. garibaldi5

    garibaldi5 New Member

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    Yes they said that they will have no space combat, but does that also mean, that you cant travel with your deathstar-like planet anywhere you want in the outer space.They said that you can curve out an metallplanet and can transform him into a deathstar, which can than fly to an enemy planet. I think they see the deathstar as an uberunit.
    So can you send it free to the planet, or does it travel automatically there. I hope not second than:

    What if two deathstars are figthing against each other? Where do they do it... -> In the outer space of cause!

    There is all kind of stuff in my post.

    -fog of war for outerspace
    -Satellitescouting and energysuplying options
    -asteroid belts with metall on it
    -artilery between planets szenario
    -orbital movement
    Last edited: June 5, 2013
  5. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    If they could do that for planets they could do it for units. Since they wont be doing it for units you'd be wise to bet money they won't do it for planets.
  6. garibaldi5

    garibaldi5 New Member

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    Yes thats a bit of a letdown . Man why did you show me that.Wouldnt it be cool if the oter space would be not so big , really compressed but full of objects like asteroid belts with resourches on it like uran and coal for gaining energy,fast moving metalltrash and fast moving asteroids which endanger your planet and old spacestations/abandoned shipwreck . And you could recyle the metall of them or repair the defencegrid of the spacestations. And maybe some random spacepirates, aliens from time to time.

    But that would maybe be too unbalanced, which player would find these resourches first would be luck.

    Yes the free space, if not filled propably with objects, would be a problem that was also my first thougth about it. But you can randomly populate it with objects like asteroids/-belts , fast moving objects which are dangerous like metallwrecks, and spachestations.
  7. technoxan

    technoxan New Member

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    how do you know this? is it certain PA will do this?
  8. technoxan

    technoxan New Member

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    I think PA is doing a gravity well thing
  9. garibaldi5

    garibaldi5 New Member

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    What i know so far about the solar system mechanics of the game is:

    This part is for sure . The first to things i have put source on it. The third they have also said and the asteroid part they even showed in their kickstartervideo crashing in the enemy planet.

    But its not much it was all i could find maybe you can link more facts .Thats the goal of this post.
  10. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    They share a common space which we call "celestial space" or the celestial coordinate system.

    You have a space camera to get an overview of the system. Stuff moves around in space.

    Mix depending on the unit.

    Currently not planning on fow in space. Each planet has it's own fow so without having something in orbit you don't know what's going on with the planet.

    We are still trying to determine the best way to handle rotation.

    The idea is that good artillery can shoot across space when within range. There will be limitations on that range depending on gravity well and atmosphere (e.g. dropping rocks is easy).

    Having asteroid belts is the idea yes.
  11. garibaldi5

    garibaldi5 New Member

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    Thanks for the quick information, sounds fun for me. Im looking forward.
    P.S : I love the artstyle of the game.
  12. technoxan

    technoxan New Member

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    But with free roam of space won't it be tough to not have space combat?
  13. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    LOL short answer? To crush your dreams :p Long answer though is that it crushed some of my dreams too. By using the devs own words to do the same to others I either prevent them from getting hopes too high in the first place or make enough of the community sad about it to convince the devs to reconsider ;)
  14. garibaldi5

    garibaldi5 New Member

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    Now,thats a nasty tactic.Look how diabolic you are . :twisted: ;)
    Playing your evil symphony on the hopes of other peoples dreams.

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