Fox's guide to being a groovy gunner

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Fox, October 31, 2010.

  1. Fox

    Fox New Member

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    In the interest of time I'm going to skimp a little on things that you'll figure out by simply playing, and get to tips and strategies.

    Mini-gun: pros:5/5 bots:2/5 turrets:1/5
    Mortar: pros:3.5/5 bots:3/5 turrets:4.5/5

    Slam:Use it to put some distance between you and that pro that keeps trying to grapple you.
    Deploy:Use this to up your accuracy and firepower at the expensive of mobility
    Grapple:Most underused ability ever, at lvl2 it will kill an assassin and do about 50% damage to most classes (give or take a little depending on the class)
    Gunner is slow and has medium health.
    He is also a very big target so keep on the look out for snipers, tanks with rail guns, and anything that could prevent your health from regenerating while you're hurt and/or reloading.
    When engaging another gunner always deploy.
    Double mini-gun is very important to have, though it doesn't have to be your first priority.
    Deploying next to a lvl 3 firebase will constantly heal you and help you shoot at stuff, but be ready to dash under the nearest bridge if you get stuck with an air strike.

    general tips/strategies:
    Don't forget to spin up your mini-gun.

    Map specific tips/strategies:
    Ammo Mule:
    Use your mortar to take out the enemy turrets from afar.
    Stay to the sides of the map.
    Don't push to far ahead of your team(duh).
    When your team has pushed into the enemy base utilize the area under the ramps to reload to hide when you have to.
    When your team has destroyed the enemy shield the best place to be is right under the enemy spawn.
    Helps to have higher armor here because it's so open.
    Blast talking heads.
    The best place for you to push is the lower right side(looking from your spawn) of the enemies' base.
    Stay on the upper level until your are low health and being shot at or see someone to make a pancake of.
    Get your grapple ability to lvl 3.
    Having a higher speed will help on this level.
    Having a higher fire rate will help here.
    This seems to be more of a squarepusher level.
    Coming soon
    Already looks like a Sound Tribe level
    Steel Peel:
    Go left out of your spawn and activate the jump pad.
    Again try to stay on the upper ring for a better vantage.
    Control the annihilator/juice area.
    When patrolling the outer ring don't be afraid to use the ejectors.
    When pushing the enemy push through the walkway on the right.
    Higher armor/health regen helps on this level.
    Higher accuracy helps on this level.
    Deploy sparingly.
    Fire Rate
    Fire Rate
    Hit and Run:
    Fire Rate
    Health Regen

    That's all I've got right now, so please tell me if I missed anything and I'll add it in.
    Last edited: October 31, 2010
  2. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I feel like I should post my slayer assassin build. Or my slayer support build. Or my SMG sniper build.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I feel like all you try to do is say "this way works better then your way."

    So what I have a Gunner build that doesn't use Armor and it works great. So what if there are other builds that, on paper, beat others. You are going to have to realize not everyone plays like you. If you really want to get down to it endorsements don't really make that big of a difference. It all comes down to playstyle and player ability.

    Shammas you're going to have to learn to not "down" other peoples opinions or thoughts right off the bat. Like the saying goes "If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything."

    Sorry Fox, really didn't want to derail your thread. Nice informative guide. Some really great tips in here.
  4. Fox

    Fox New Member

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    Well I'll take it as a compliment that a build is the only thing he has strong feelings about, although that was quite an ambiguous post.
  5. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I never said he was wrong. I just said that seems a little unconventional on a gunner. Although, my ways do seem to be "right" since I always beat everyone else.
  6. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Dude, its just kind of not cool to jump into someone else's guide and announce that your ways are better.

    I know manners are scarce on the internet, but lets try and make MNC a welcoming place to keep the community growing.
  7. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Well guys, I went 14-2 with my new gunner build against complete randoms today, then went 1-27 against Shammas' team:
    Health Regen
    Skill Recovery
    But at least I'm being unique!!!
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Your point being?...
  9. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    There are really a lot of things wrong with this guide. I'll leave it to someone more experienced with Gunner to elaborate (also because I'm tired).
  10. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    how about i invite you to a game im will be 1-27 due my terrible internet gunners your build is made for YOU not me or anyone else.

    On Topic: Good guide, not to long, good tips, i run probably the most awkward gunner build, it has gold speed, silver accuracy and bronze clip size, i like speed to run away from everything when in trouble, accuracy for mini clip for mortar really, i like to run a mortar heavy build with gold fire rate, silver reload bronze clip if i feel like say no bots,turrets or snipers for you this round.

    I enjoy playing the gunner it seems more fun to me then other classes :)
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    just a few understatements there.

    Mortar: pros:4.5/5 at a range, 3.5/5 closer bots:3.5/5 turrets:9/5 without exaggeration at all

    double minigun: seldom does a gunner upgrade anything else before passive 3, some gunners dont upgrade anything at all but passive...

    and you can use a gunner with speed and skill-regen, or weapon-enhancing endorsements with health-regen, but dont try to pull a shammas...

    the gunner class not to use

    thats like using...

    class not to use in MW2
    primary:riot shield
    secondary:javelin missile
    equipment:blast shield
    special grenade:smoke
    perk1:bling pro
    perk2:hardline pro
    perk3:steady aim pro

    you practically dont have any way to kill someone. the class lacks any actual weapons of harm to anyone.
  12. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    This is not the smartest thing to do. Sometimes jumping is better and sometimes deploying is better. You'll know which you should do based on the skill level of your enemy.

    And you don't have to want to do well while playing MNC either. When you spawn as a gunner you buy passive 3 and nothing else before that. Only spend money to keep a streak alive or to use an ejector (but if you do you need to taunt).

    Unless you have a white health bar you should not be pushing from the lane as a gunner. Use high ground to keep the lane clear of enemies.

    This is good advice for Steel Peel. The last bit there is good advice in general for all maps.

    Generally speaking your builds are terrible. You've also forgotten the most important thing about playing gunner: prespin = win.
  13. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    i learned a lot from this guide
  14. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    it rhymes so it has to be true :roll:

    seriously, if you dont remember to prespin often, you might just keep spinning constantly and use gold speed lmao. i should try that one day.
  15. Fox

    Fox New Member

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    Speak for yourself I always upgrade passive and grapple at the beginning of a match and it helps more than having passive 3 that much sooner. As for ratings, people will learn how effective they are pretty early on, and they are completely subjective.
  16. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Say no more... you are beyond help. I could let it slide if you said slam as I used to do this when I first started playing.
  17. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    Interesting. You might want to work on your build a bit. I use Accuracy, ROF, Armor. Upgrade passive 2/3, then slam 2/3. Usually I save my other buy money to build turrets or juice. Rarely I'll buy deploy 2, and even rarer than that grapple 2. To me the grapple does nothing but keeps you still long enough for enemies to kill you, but usually I'm fighting 2-3 people at once.

    I suggest you start switching out slam for grapple. Does more damage, flapjacks, stuns bots/players, can throw multiple people off the map, and does soooo much more than melee. Not trying to rag on you at all, but Slam>>>>>>>Grapple.

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