Is there a way to shorten the code used to fit the image into the space? Obviously it has to be possible. There are some pretty extravigant sigs on this forum, and was just not sure how to condense the code. Was just hoping somebody would reach out and help me. Currently trying to link from a photobucket image that I uploaded after editing.
Appreciate the help guys. Definitely found a, "shorten your too freaking long URL with this magic technology where you just put your URL in here, and over here ------> out pops your really tiny URL." Because it's too hard for them to just make all URLs that small in the first place apparantly.
Well, the HTML code, after you know, cut and pasting it from Photobucket, kind of looked like this; <a href="************/?action=view&current=twin-combat-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="************/twin-combat-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Sig1"></a> Clearly, I don't need my phobucket account troll'd by well...trolls.
you dont need the HTML code from photobucket; use the img code. Code: [img]************/twin-combat-1.jpg[/img] also: the html adds a whole bunch of crap at either end, when all you need is the img tag. if you cant tell by my posting your image, you didnt entirely hide your photobucket tag. i like the green card, btw
I'm not a phpBB wizard on forums, but it seems that I have a signature that is appearing on my screen, and after what I went through, that's more than enough for me. Tried using the img link, but I must have grabbed the wrong one. That, and I had to resize like 3 times to figure out what I already knew, "It needs to be rectangular, and meet the 400 x 150 specifications." Somehow, this is not always easy when my computer said image was 398 x 146, and yet uploaded to photobucket, it magically grows by about 10-12 pixels each. Either way, life goes on. By the way Tom, I love you, and...wish you didn't point out that I left an instance of my name in there = Me Fail. You going to be on tonight at all?