Hi! Glad you've joined us! We've all been anticipating beta.... apparently a lot of us. I'm glad there are now loads of games to play in when I get on. That said I have a tip for you new commanders: please heed the advice of us alpha players. Not saying we're all RTS masters,I myself am probably a low average player, but we do have a deeper understanding of the game and its mechanics. Yes we all want to hit orbital and fling rocks, but this is a process as two of my nub friends learned last night. A scramble straight to orbital doesn't ensure victory.... it most often than not leads to a longer awaited defeat...... t1 is one of the most vital parts to this game and most RTS for that matter....... Now that said welcome, enjoy smashing, lets work together and craft the greatest RTS ever!!!! With the great folks at Uber
the only thing that noobs need to know is that you have to do step by step, not rush to an orbital or nuke, they are very expensive. in SupCom for example you can go to T-3 w/out go to T-2(T-2 Skip), but you will lose Time, map-control, or at least be behind in the Eco game. so like the guy say, don't rush expensive things, go step by step.
Well that's good to know lol. I'm used to oldschool stuff like AoE and Empire Earth, where going up an epoch gave you a dramatic advantage over your opponent. I would really like for a team vs team mode to go into the game soon. 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 etc. can be very annoying when you don't know what you are doing, and you are simply throwing away an hour of your time waiting for the inevitable rape.