for the love of God please nerf the gunner

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scyfed, August 20, 2010.

  1. scyfed

    scyfed New Member

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    he can kill a tank at long range in about 4 seconds with his dual minigun, has the second highest health so cannot be back grappled by assasins, pound tottally screws assassins over when they get close to him, snipers cant headshot him, a tank gets ripped to shreds in cqc with him, he is pretty much just a better version of the assault, and when paired up with a support he has double health constant healing and a firebase backing him up.

    and just then i went 40 10 and the only thing that ever killed me was the enemy gunner, bought juice went over there killed 5-6 people bought the moneyball down to 50%. juiced up again, repeated and destroyed the moneyball single handedly and it wasnt even overtime.
  2. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    Gunner's real easy to fix, all they need to do is reduce fall-off damage. After that we're all good.
  3. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Please nerf assassins, they can take the money ball down singlehanded with juice.
  4. TrMako

    TrMako New Member

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    Seriously? I love playing against gunners, they're one of the easiest classes to kill it seems like to me.

    Sniper - Super easy headshots with the sniper, and if they're deployed with the shield it doesn't really help them either. Just takes a few bodyshots instead of one headshot, they still die in less than a few seconds.

    Support - 2 shotguns to the face can destroy them much faster than their mini gun can to you. Or just airstrike for insta-pwn.

    Assault - Unless their minigun is already spooled up to full speed, or you just have really bad endorsements, you're going to win this 1v1. Assault rifle starts at max damage and drains HP really fast, minigun takes time to do the same to you. And your charge can get easy ring outs or kills on this big, slow target.

    Assassin - Granted, I don't play much assassin. But a smart assassin could kill anyone without much difficulty if they do it right. Just cause 1 back grapple doesn't kill them doesn't mean they're impossible to kill. How about using the lunge, smoke, back grapple combo? In other words, learn to play your class.

    Tank - You said a gunner beats a tank in close range? I don't believe I've ever seen this to be true. Jump over his slams and the jet engine rips holes through anyone. If you can aim the rail gun, it should be able to kill or nearly kill a gunner at range before he can dish out any significant damage to you. The gunner is a pretty big target. You might not get the kill, but you should be able to force him to take cover easily enough.

    Every single class can kill every other quickly in the right situation. It's all a matter of using your class and skills appropriately.
  5. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    Without armor, the only class that survives an assassination is the Tank. Honestly Gunners are my favorite class to play against due to how easy it is to kill them.
  6. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    I'm playing gunner for abit now and i'm dying to back-grapples with gobi on, so dunno :)
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    What is with all these "nerf that class" and "nerf this class" threads. Do people not now how to play this game? I personally think each and every class is perfectly even.

    Like a previous post Each class can easily take out the others in the right situation.

    There have been many of time where a sniper freezes me(being a gunner) and kills me before I knew what happen. If I happen to get in CQC with a Tank more often then not I am almost dead right away. Gunner being an easy target helps the Tank aim the Jetgun at you. Playing as an Assault I feel with the right endorsements I can easily take down a gunner with either a little more then a clip or some of the clip and charge attack.

    Every class has pros and cons for certain situations. You're not always going to win and you're not always going to lose.

    The great thing about MNC is it ultimately comes down to user skill and knowledge of the game. The only significant advantage someone can have on you is their player skill. Players always blame dying/losing on others when in actuality if could have very much been your own fault.
  8. nopecakoo

    nopecakoo New Member

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    Dude seriously, even fully upgraded i die as the gunner alot, usually by assassins. and when i do play as an assassin i kill alot of gunners. so idk what your talkin about.
  9. Goodvibesftw

    Goodvibesftw New Member

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    lol that mustve been one pro *** gunner, i rape all gunners with my assault class in less than a clip sooooooo yea. and to snipe his head is so easy? his armor is blue/red and his face is tan, it stands out, unless your blind and cant aim, then it should be a easy headshot. when youre behind him or to the sides, aim for the middle. Ding. Boom HEADSHOT.
  10. PrivateJohn

    PrivateJohn New Member

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    lol, almost every class in the game has been called OP. The only class left is Sniper...
  11. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Lol wtf?
    Assassin with sword always back grapple kills. He has the biggest head and moves slowly while shooting, easy headshot. Tank can kill him quicker with the jet gun, or stay back and railgun him. Use your teammates to kill the support combo.
  12. fake

    fake New Member

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    As someone who plays support almost exclusively, I think the gunner is fine where it is. It's one of the classes that seems to consistently give me the most challenge. As soon as I'm caught in dual minigun fire, it's usually lights out.

    Don't nerf the gunner, otherwise, where's the challenge?
  13. DAlicious

    DAlicious New Member

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    As someone who plays Tank I'd say that though good Gunners can give me trouble sometimes they seem balanced fine. I would potentially have the mortar do slightly less damage to turrets if it were up to me, but that's about it. (It seems to me if they have a gun that does that much damage to people over pretty far distances they shouldn't also get one of the better turret killing guns - you don't want to make the mortar useless but it seems too powerful against turrets right now).
  14. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    If you want to fight a gunner head on you had better be a tank with an overheal (or you're in melee range), a gunner or a sniper.

    The gunner has several liabilities:

    1) He's the second slowest class and when he shoots he moves even slower.
    2) His reload speed is horrendous and leaves him wide open to attacks.
    3) Half of his level 3 upgrades are a waste of money ($950 in total).

    That last one may have left you reeling so I'll explain. Buying the level three helmet reduces your turret damage. Considering how vulnerable you are while stationary, it's best to turret, kill and then unturret. As such it is just not worth buying the helmet unless there are a crapload of enemy snipers. His melee attack works just fine at level 1 and is best used for killing bots. If a slow character happens to front grapple you, then mashing the grapple button will give them some retaliation before you perforate them.

    Once the assassin has her sword she is free to assassinate the gunner... however I see a ton of assassins who don't know how to be sneaky so I slam them and kill them 5-10 times a match.

    The assault character needs to fight the gunner at mid-close range so his gun still does decent damage. The best bet is to flank the gunner from a height advantage or charge him near an edge. Promotions make all the difference here... the right build will destroy gunners.

    Snipers are a gunner's worst enemy. Traps make him a headshot waiting to happen and are very hard to see AND shoot with the mortar (mind you I'm good at sniping snipers with the mortar).

    Support has the all balancing airstrike which when thrown well will kill you over and over and over. Their shotgun is lethal if they catch you from behind or while destracted. And of course the level two or three turret (if hacked) will kill you before you can kill it.

    Tanks need to get in close and use the blind grenade. That's about the only way they will kill me. If you use the laser from far away I will just hide for health... I'm slow but you're even slower.

    As for killing other gunners, I'm not telling how I beat you. You'll have to observe me and figure out my secrets.
  15. MeltsYurFace

    MeltsYurFace New Member

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    I have the feeling that whoever created this post got into one really bad match against a gunner who had the level 3 turret upgrade and got in this guys farming lane.. (its pretty much useless unless you want to camp the lane to farm bots)
  16. Briq

    Briq New Member

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    I don't think the gunner as a class is overpowered, but I do think he requires the least skill and knowledge to be successful with. I'm not saying that's an issue, it was most likely intended to be that way.
  17. SHAP00PI

    SHAP00PI New Member

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    Sniper headshot is a one hit kill. Snipers flak will cut a gunner to pieces and traps are spoken for.

    Supports air strike one hit kill, his shotgun is 2-3 hits at less than 5 feet, and the firebase is devastating at medium to short of hacked.

    Tank will chop a gunner short range and long range woth given weapons.

    Assassin is a one hit kill with sword, and running in and out of cover with the shurikens will slaughter a deployed gunner.

    Don't play assault so I won't comment.
  18. HellSpunk

    HellSpunk New Member

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    Err no. Gunner has huge damage output and it shreds other players like they're nothing, but the gunner is weak in every other area. It's slow, contrary to your belief it's totally assasinatable even with armor on gold. The whole point of an assassin is to get behind him undetected and grapple him before he slams you, if you can't do this you're not a good assassin to be perfectly honest.

    Gunner is by far the easiest class to head shot. It's true when he's upgraded deploy he can't be headshotted, but he's immobile and his gun is still pretty inaccurate. A sniper can easily just come in and out of cover, shooting him until he's dead without worry of response. Gunner has a lot of damage and pretty much nothing else. Every character has the ability to beat him if they use their abilities intelligently.
  19. BigEasyJones

    BigEasyJones New Member

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    Agreed. I play a gunner almost exclusively and an intelligent player of any class has a good counter against me.

    Support: Airstrikes decimate gunners, especially when deployed
    Tank: Gunners do more damage up close, and toe-to-toe at short range, a Tank makes short work of a gunner.
    Assassin: Despite what you may think, a fully passive upgraded assassin striking from behind will one-shot a Gunner, even if the gunner has a gold Armor perk (though with a gold armor perk, lesser blades will not one-shot. But then... that's the point of going gold Armor.)
    Sniper: As long as the sniper doesn't let the gunner get close, we're easy pickings.
    Assault: Can easily outmaneuver a Gunner. Get behind us when we're deployed and when we're not, jet out of our inevitable Slam and then jump around us before charging us to death.
  20. scyfed

    scyfed New Member

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    o.k thanks for all the great feedback, although you guys failed to find me a way to counter the gunner/support combo. and air strike just fails against gunner (like everything else) any support that gets close enough to air strike me is screwed. as long as your spun up and deployed you will own an assault, and i always spin up around corners, with the 3rd person perspective and my jump jets assassins have a hard time grappling me, even if they do my gold armor will save me if they dont have the sword and i will just tear them apart with my dual minigun. i suppose the tank would kill me if he ambushed, flanked me without my gun spun up but iv killed tanks before in close quarters combat i would say its about 50/50.

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