***It's a little bit to read but please stay with me!*** Hi everyone, before you say anything, I have looked in the forums extensively before posting... Anyway: Ever sense one of the new updates (havnt played for a while) these issues happen: 1) At launch, the game (including the menu) flickers between a black screen and the game screen (like a headache causing strobe light). I was able to do an unsatisfying workaround by playing in windowed mode. 2) the second problem is I keep getting returned to the menu during games for unknown errors or lack of connectivity. The strangest Thing is the my brother has the EXACT same computer and has no problems at all... Things I've tried: 1) all the in-game graphic settings 2) deleted the PA folder in steam/common and let steam redownload the game. So far I have had no luck. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks
Please check my signature and upload your DxDiag.txt on forum. Also please check if flickering stops if you switch to windowed mode (use Alt+Enter shortcut). There is bug with non-standard DPI for Nvidia users who running Windows 8.1 and it's possible when you affected by: PA#4047
Yeah my resolution is fixed with nvidias overscan resizer thing. Its supposesly a 1080p tv, but when i use that resolution, I lot of my screen gets cut off. I attached that .txt doc
Unfortunately the most important part in your DxDiag.txt is missing: Code: ------------------ System Information ------------------ DxDiag Previously: Crashed in system information (stage 1). Re-running DxDiag with "dontskip" command line parameter or choosing not to bypass information gathering when prompted might result in DxDiag successfully obtaining this information Can you try to run 32-bit or 64-bit version instead or try check / repair system files?
Might be the resolution on the graphics and/or the graphics driver. Might be the steam overlay, can you run on steam while overlay is disabled? The dxdiag is to determine if your graphics driver is up to date... graphics says 2/7/14
This is intriguing: Code: Current Mode: 1804 x 1014 (32 bit) (60Hz) Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor What monitor is this? Any reason why you don't have 1080p resolution? Can you try to change display resolution to something higher and check it again?
My driver for my GPU are up to date, and just to test, I turned my desktop resolution to standard 1080p and nothing changed
First of all check that you don't have any software from this link installed: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/558751813508748383/ Also recently other streaming software and monitoring tools with OSD menus also caused issues.
ok, I turned off steam overlay, set resolution to 1920x1080, checked the list, and (turned off Razer game booster). So far no Change.