I am very excited for the fact that the maps will be spherical planets, but I was also wondering if there will be flat maps like the ones in supcom to play on.
I do realize that taking away the Spherical idea of the map will take away much of the actual gameplay, but it would be nice to play it on a flat map just for old times sake.
It's probably a piece of cake to render a flat map instead of a sphere, and I can imagine some players wanting to give that a go. Not a bad suggestion really, just something to set in the options screen.
I really really doubt they'll do it, it would be like buying WoW and asking for a top down version like in Warcraft 3... Also how are you going to handle multiple planets/Asteroids/Moons with flat maps? Floating rectangles in space, that you click on to bring up the battle map. Or are you going to take away what gives this game something new and just battle over one map -.- I suppose depending on the mod tools it could be done, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
Well, neutrino said the engine would probably support different shapes of planets in the future, so perhaps you could create a floating island and make the bottom side unpassable.
I don't know, I wouldn't mind the option of making flat maps but then it would have to be Planet-ish Annihilation-ish. Though I still think it would be really cool for duels and such.
This would be really easy to fake, simply take a planet and restrict the players to a small enough section of it...
But then I'd have to reinstall Windows . . . However, I do believe someone mentioned something about cordoning off a section of a large sphere to play as a traditional map. Even if it isn't implemented by default, it should be a simple enough mod to implement.