Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by omg its n, January 25, 2011.

  1. omg its n

    omg its n New Member

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    Was playing on spunky cola as support went 40+ kills 30+ assists and had both base turrets as rock it hacked to level 3 and a another 3.3 turret on the nub just outside the base. Overtime hits and all turrets go down and we lose. Not even a slow ******* loss. Just instant death of the money. Fix this bullshit. There's no concepts of fairness when there's absolutely no concept of defense once overtime hits at the late game juice costs 500 ( whichever everyone and their mom has that late into game). Its nonsense. Foe the love of God FIX OVERTIME.
  2. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    dont play deathmatch all the time. if you go 40+ in kills, go buy juice and take out their rockets or something.
    overtime is there to break a tie. the only time a game goes into overtime is if you are stuck with idiots against a team that you are better than where they are not, you are VERY evenly matched, or you kill farm.
    1 is kind of common, 2 is VERY unlikely, and now we are at 3. you seem to post your k/d as if it matters, so we will take 3 and apply it to you.
    in which case, its entirely your fault that you even made it to overtime, and with that much money, you should have been attacking in overtime anyways.
  3. omg its n

    omg its n New Member

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    The k/d came from turret kills. In case you weren't paying attention I was playing support. As the name implies I was supporting the team. Base defense is important in the regular game. Period. How you can say it was "entirely" my fault overtime happened on a six man team just cracks me up. Overtime is broken. There's no defending a base as support even with fully upgraded turrets this is fact and needs to be fixed.
  4. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I agree that overtime does need to be tweaked a little. There are plenty of people in MNC who party up and play Deathmatch for 15 minutes then coordinate a juice rush. It is a little upsetting to build up a decent defense and find that it's worth nothing in OT.

    Maybe double the cost of juice once OT hits.
  5. omg its n

    omg its n New Member

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    Or turn it off or not have pros spawn with their juice bar almost full. When I play assassin with silver juice I need to literally get off two to three clips of shurikens and I'm at full juice again. Thats just broken balance.
  6. DismayVJJ

    DismayVJJ New Member

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    The opposing team must have been terrible at the game if they had 40 deaths by turrets. After the 5th death to a turret you think you would learn to take it out.
  7. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    that sounds made up. and a camper does not a good support make.
  8. omg its n

    omg its n New Member

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    You are not a very smart person.
  9. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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  10. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    spend your entire time in your base overhealing/hacking turrets? you can hack base turrets and still be on the front lines and be much more effective.
  11. DismayVJJ

    DismayVJJ New Member

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    Exactly my point lol.

    I think your not sure of how to play the support properly 'omg its n' and therefore jump to conclusions of why your 'exemplary' play lost you the game. If your team is on the defense the entire game, then for sure you can camp / killwhore and take care of your turrets until your teammates that can bot push / pro hunt can actually push out. Help out by juice rushing them when available.

    Once the bots are pushed further towards their base, drop the firebase down and viola, forward base. Now your team has something called map control. They can fall back to this anytime while it is alive. That combined with heal/overheal is what the essence of what 'support' means and is as a class.
  12. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Nah. OT is Broken.
  13. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    this. staying in your base the whole time pretty much ensures there will be overtime and the general idea against a defensive team is to juice rush in overtime.
  14. DismayVJJ

    DismayVJJ New Member

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    Broken? maybe. Unbalanced? A little bit.
    Everybody is given gold endorsements and juice at the same time. In this sense it is balanced because no one is particularly stronger than the other, everyone is just stronger period, barring some endorsments are stronger in OT than others. The juice endorsement seems OP. 8/10ths of your bar filled from respawn just gives those people who made mistakes too much of a safety net to get back into the fray again. I can see why the devs left it how it is if my 'safety net' theory is true and that's what they wanted out of it.

    My only quirk is OT activates it's boost to everything regardless if anyone on your team is respawning or alive. It would be perfect imo if everyone was kicked to the spawn room and force respawned at the beginning of OT. This way it prevents the scenario where 3 people happen to juice the second OT kicks in and kill your ball before you and a few teamates that died before OT start have even respawned. It makes it so you are forced to fight the other team instead of orchestrated a juice rush the second the money ball drops.

    But hell, thats where half the fun is with OT. Frantically running around trying to CC (crowd control) those juicers hoping your team is doing the same to their moneyball. Just cross your fingers that you're not at the respawn screen the second OT starts.
  15. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Sorry. Sarcasm. I agree with you 100%. Very well articulated.
  16. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Overtime gives you all Gold endorsments, so "having Silver juice in OT is overpowered" is a very false statement.

    As far as Overtime being unbalanced: it is. The problem being that certain classes can rape the moneyball, where as other classes can't do a damn thing to it. Tank, Support, and Assault can put up HUGE numbers on the Moneyball at any point during the game, and it is much worse during Overtime. Killing a deployed and juiced Tank that is jet gunning your Moneyball is a large pain in the ***. Only thing worse is an Assault that can take off a 1/16 of the Moneyball with just one bomb.
  17. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Building turrets all game will never win you the game. It will contribute to the victory, but it does no damage to the enemy money ball. Playing pure defense only works if you have somewhat of an offense to supplement it. Otherwise, you are only delaying an inevitable loss.

    The goal is to win BEFORE overtime, to maximize the effectiveness of your defense in terms of winning. Doing this, however, leaves you with a much lower k/d/r as a support 99% of the time.

    The game changes in overtime as a result of neither offense getting the job done.
  18. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    this isnt necesarily true, i believe a high level team needs at least 1 if not 2 people crowd-controlling. you arent going to win if you do NO damage to the enemy moneyball, forget that strategy for overtime.

    but, you can take your gunner and/or sniper, and maybe your support if he s good at juice-shotgunning other juicers and throwing airstrikes, and defend the base while your assault, assassin, and tank go and drain their moneyball. i happen to be excellent crowd control, without me my tourney team got fried by juice.

    assault are excellent crowd control, but they do moneyball damage amazingly so they should only prevent juicers until overtime, and switch to offence then. anyhow, overtime isnt broken at high levels, its quite balanced while also ensuring that "this **** ends now".
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    fyi, nobody reads what you type anymore Bro. I am almost at the post of adding you to my foes so your posts don't even show. :)
  20. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Excellent point. I agree.

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