I finally got around to playing with other testers last night, and I thought I would leave some words on the experience here. First off, the game ran butter smooth for the first 35 minutes or so, which is a huge improvement over last week. Second, I love the new randomly generated planets! We played on a rocky ice world with only a couple of small puddles for oceans. A clever opponent spawned very close to me with their back to one of these so they could build destroyers for artillery. Third, the spherical worlds are AWESOME. Everyone else was turtling or off fighting their own battles, so after a couple of scouts showed no enemies in my immediate vicinity, I stretched my legs, and sent a bunch of constructors out to build mex/power farms. I was constantly paranoid that my backyard was someone else's front, and I was going to get bumrushed, but my gamble ended up paying off, and I remained unattacked. Being able to send units around the globe to avoid immediate detection felt amazing. I can't wait to see the kind of strategies that evolve out of this! I ended up winning by building a bunch of T1 bots, and swarming what I thought were the back ends of bases, blowing up power supplies and mexes where I could without sacrificing anything. I got pushed back by artillery a couple of times, but this ended up being a winning strategy for me. Great game so far, and it's only going to get better!