First Look at the game [Review]

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by Mocky55, January 12, 2011.

  1. Mocky55

    Mocky55 New Member

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    Hey Uber Entertainment, great game you created here.
    It's like a mix of League of Legends, Team Fortress 2 and a hint of StarWars Battle Front even i'd say, I love it, it's strategic, tactical, halerious and actually has good gameplay.
    Since I like this game a whole bunch I thought i'd state a few things i think could be improved about it. You probably considered most of these.

    -The biggest issue when playing this game really (for me at least) is that it's impossible to tell if my team is about to win or loose. You hold off an attack on one lane thinking it's gonna be good for a while, go push at another lane and a few minutes later you get the loosing screen. It's rather irritating. I'd suggest a minimap indicating your Teams Minions, Turrets and Pros, just like the one you get on the death screen while waiting for a respawn, just in the corner of your screen.
    This is a Strategy game, you have to know what can be done to win. That information would give alot more overview.

    (These next few are more like little suggestions.)
    -When creating a game you can't choose a max amount of players on your surver and can't even start a game with just 2 players, that just sux i think.
    -Why can I only set 1 button for an action in the options? I want mouse wheel up and down to change weapon not just 1 of those. That'd be nice too.
    - After every game you get to wait for 20 seconds before the next game starts.... why?
    -The Frost Turret.... it slows down minions but it gets shot down if you playce it at the front in just 1 run through by enemy minions. Maybe it's worth trying out how games go if the Frost turrets wern't targetable by minions, I'd be curious to see if that would make it more useful or even overpowered lol.

    All the classes seem very much balanced out, do not listen to noobs who get owned by Assassins let you nerv them. They are fine, most classes are fine against them.
    It's funny actually i think, my friend was playing Sniper and I was playing Gunner a few games in a row and I constantly had to listen to him getting owned by a run by Assassin every few minutes while i got just as many deaths by Snipers.
    I think the game is quite well balanced. Don't make any big changes unless you made enough research.
    Thanks for the great game UE. Really hope you consider my suggestions.
  2. spirit

    spirit New Member

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    THIS would be really nice. It's pretty standard in shooters these days.

    Since most games won't see all of the same players the next round (atleast now during beta), it works out well to allow players to join without the game already being one-sided due to a near empty game. And 20 seconds isn't really that long, its a great time to grab a quick snack or drink. :)

    You might consider, that the front lines aren't the place for a turret that can't defend itself. :) They're typically better paired next to another turret that can unload on players/bots while the Shaved Ice is slowing them down.

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