When Alpha starts in a few days, what commander are you going to use? We haven't had any commander abilities released yet, so we're pretty much going off of looks for now. I think the Alpha Commander looks amazing, with it's solid leg structure and large gun arms. I also like the added vents on his back, whatever they may be for (missiles?). Anyway, post here what commander you'll be using on the first day of alpha!
Hmm i somehow doubt that there will be more then one commander (or any commander abilites) available at the start of the alpha. Choosing a commander is most likely less prioritised then (for example) having multiple planets (the alpha will start locked to a single planet incase you havent heard). However if they do have the "choosing a commander" functionality in allredy im gonna go with the most exlusive one accesible to me.
The Delta is going to be the only one available on day one guys; I'm betting good money on that. Just because you got a Backer/Pre Order bonus, doesn't mean you'll have access to it until after much of the Alpha is done. My Prediction is we'll all have to use the Delta for now until more Commanders are built. As they become available EVERYONE will be able to test them. The Point of the Alpha is to test... and it would be a stupid move on Uber's part to limit the Delta to only $90 backers/$200 Pre Orders. Reducing your test sample is just dumb. Once the game is in the later stages of Alpha or early Beta they'll limit your ability to pick your Commander based on your backing level. --- As to which I'll use when they're all available: Probably the Alpha or Progenitor until Uber let's me throw money at them for my own personal Commander.
In Alpha it makes sense that we'd all get the same commander. Not sure if that would be Delta or something else. When everything is finalized, the commanders are apparently going to differ also by some of their abilities. It has been suggested that these abilities will be well balanced so as not to give too much advantage, but rather to express something about their individual approach to war. Or something like that
Everybody will get the Delta first, so yaaaay. I will cry the day they gonna take it away from me again.
No there's no way everyone can get delta. it's literally impossible, because delta is only for $90 kickstarter backers and Cosmic Edition people...I'm only galactic edition. So im thinking It might be theta or something that everyone can use...
Well I think Nanolathe is correct (Please nobody feint). Everyone is likely to get Delta initially for the alpha until something else is ready. I think it will sadly be taken from some folks when the final release comes.
Considering that the Delta is the commander thats furthest in development (that we know of) i also find this likely. Its exlusive in the finished* game, not nessesarly in alpha or even beta. *commercial release
Ooh, hey. I'm just happy I get to use a commander that I wouldn't have anyways. Thanks Uber! One that I'll use the most, however, when they're all around, is probably the progenitor. Mostly cause of the name.
Uber said in a live stream there was significant lore behind the Progenitors, so I will use the Progenitor.