Well apparently it cant considering how i went the entire game with a flaming body and it didn't hurt me one bit. Kind off annoying when sneaking as an assassin, sense, you know, EVERYONE CAN SEE ME!
oh you know i would except you realized this **** should been fixed before this game was released, i mean it isn't exactly rare
It's lag-related, so it probably didn't come up in internal testing. There are quite a few lag-related glitches/errors that seemed to make their through to retail. Whether or not that makes I leave up to the discretion of the reader. I just hope the title update comes on swift wings to snatch away my main complaints of the game.
This bug annoyed me too, and it's one we spent an unfortunate amount of time trying to fix prior to release. The simple explanation is the original system in place to handle this was far more complex than it needed to be. We tested this internally and found it was working 95%+ of the time, found a number of bugs with the system and brought it up to 99.9% of the time even with simulated lag, but could not find the last 0.1%. Just before final cert we tracked down the issue, but realized it would require too big of a change to make at that time. The real problem is we did internal testing with what we thought was heavy lag, but what we didn't know until after the game was released was the simulated lag system we were using was itself flawed. It worked well for exposing some simple cases, but more complex situations it could not reproduce. We've since moved to a more robust setup, but it meant any issue that was lag related, like the player effects, was far worse than expected in the released game.