Uber, you are my favorite company, and in this time of the rise of the 12 years old on steam & meta-crap, i know you need support, BUT you need to act fast its known that 1 out of 5 steam users is an ***, and theres quiet a lot in your(s) steam forums, i suggest to make a disclamer, A BIG ONE (because hell they dumb :roll: ) that says TIS IZ GALCTICZ ADIATON NO FINISH GAME , and on the side, PREORDER NOW! (OUT ON DECEMBER!) you get the point, keep on the awesome work.
You can't fix baseless generalisations by making baseless generalisations. This isn't a 'Uberent versus Steam war' or something. That's a pointless and unhealthy attitude. Reminds me of 'Greece versus Furher Merkel', which couldn't be less true if you replaced Merkel with Santa Claus.
i don't want them to actually "fight" just, you know counter the trolls (and then feed them to my cat) with a big sign or something, by the why, its isn't about the steam, its about the retards using it. by the why lol
PA is currently #4 in the steam topsellers and metacritic took the PA-ratings down. The trolls are defeated anyway.
have you checked the steam forums? there having a blood fest over there, starting to say uber is buying cars an jets with the money and drinking blood of living child's... here, this is a real post : UBER BUYING A PORCHE! i sow a nigga from uber buying a car and the nigga be like yo nigga give ma ma kar and niggas be like wats with the game and i be like **** you nigga, spred da ward #callofduty4life #gamergurl #sexy #fuckuber (by 69****PRO****1235669) i dont sure if he troll or he is brain dead (Edit : Half the text is censored, but you get the point)
I am not concerned with the Steam forums. I don't think most people who use Steam even know they exist. Who ever posted that isn't a proper troll anyway. They are just being stupid. I should know.
Wait half a year, my friend, half a year... Is it coincidence that I just talked to a friend about jingling some bells? Is it coincidence that he said he'd make some Christmas remixes of some songs? I think not... Oh you have a good sentiment, really. Mhm, I know, but alas, I'm too lazy to Google an 'ü' for copy-paste purposes. Also, I know you did this as a joke, but, good job. Everyone ought to correct everyone's - or at least my - posts.
Well, I definitely do. How else will I learn? Sadly, the vast majority disagrees with me. But that's fine I guess.
Dang! MEME's now. This is some pretty awesome publicity. All this trolling will having the Joe schmo thinking PA is shyte around the time of Full Release, then BAM!
I don't care where it is or where it isn't. I care about if I like it or not, and then if I like it, I care if it is on my computer and if I can play it. Otherwise I haven't any benefits of the game that is or isn't somewhere else.