Amagawd. I would like the option for a bot upgrade passive SO muchly. Bots are generally grossly underutilized in matches .. It would be interesting to see how the flow of the game would change if we had a bot passive to upgrade for less useless bots to spawn. Just like with the H/H gun, the starting level bots would be weaker than before .. first upgrade would make it aboot the same, then the second could give them a step up. And I still think I should be able to throw my firebase on the back of my gapshot and mosey around. But in all seriousness, the passive bot upgrade would take a lot of emphasis off of 'spawn killing rah rah rah' and the like.. Even more so if Uber would actually track kills from spawned bots and offered a tag to show off!
Actually made a thread similiar to this about being able to spawn juiced bots. But i agree win your idea im all for making bots stronger.
I'd rather only have to upgrade the bot passive skill once. Why should we need to upgrade the passive twice? It's not like the current bots are overpowered...
i agree with billy rueben, all in favor of buzzer nukes at level 3, say i. ...yes, i was being sarcastic. i figured you were eating your words when you read what was above too lmao.
Level 3 shouldn't be nukes, but rather, Buzzers that didn't get stuck to nothing. You know, making them useful? :lol: But, all joking aside, I like the idea Greggyyyy. Maybe increased Armor, Speed, and RoF, kinda like Blitz? This certainly sounds like an easier integration to pull off rather than Juiced bot-spawning or having a collective bank to upgrade bots. If I Mays, I whould like to leave my stamp of approval:
From what I understand, you're asking for a passive that would upgrade the bots you spawn? Sounds like a fun idea. It could be a nice way to improve the bots that are lacking right now.
for developer ease, it could be integrated with the passive skill if added in an update to this game. but it would be cool to make it a seperate skill in any other MNC sequels. like new turrets, and maybe a turret passive for one of the classes, or something.
Im going to say this is a bad idea, ive seen what kind of damage a bouncer and gremlins can do, and if they where stronger they would be to overpowered. Its some nice input but the bots are fine the way they are. We need the devs to focus on more entertaining things like maps and such
I wouldn't think they'd be overpowered. It'd be just like the Sudden-Death Blitz bots. They aren't that much harder to kill as the waves get higher. You just have to be wary of their speed and keep alert, is all. Plus, how many people do you see spawning gremlins? Or even BOUNCERS? I probably see non-standard bots maybe once in every 50-ish games.
Guess when the day comes you play against or with me i will be that 1/50 games haha, i love my gremlins, they are little devious bastards. Assist machines
Goddamn gremlins. Those little bastards like to screw up my turrents, and all I got is a shotty to take 'em out. :evil: That being said, I still stand by my comment. Although the Support isn't really a great "bot-control" type class, I don't think the upgradable bots will change how the game plays THAT much, even for Support players. Plus, it might mean stronger Gapshots.
Gremlins blow. It's only in pubs that you'll find players that have a difficult time with them.. and the same goes with any bot. In general, your team already has to be in control of the game for them to be effective. No one is afraid of gremlins on their own .. However, if your team is pushed into their bee-hole, sure! They can be quite a problem. Basically, it's just still entirely dependent on the pros that you're against. It would be nice for the game to flow more like a tower defense, regardless of how many new maps you want. I'd prefer to have a better game flow before having to play the same way every time on new maps.
Lvl 2 passive bot spawnamajigger needs to give you a small refund if your bot dies and should spawn a pair of blackjacks as well. I've always felt spawning bots is too much of a gamble unless you babysit them.