Few suggestions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ghostcommander, August 27, 2012.

  1. ghostcommander

    ghostcommander New Member

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    Hello, and thanks to thoose which will read that post!

    So here is a small list of features i would enjoy to find in PA next year :oops:

    The custom formation widget from BA mod, wich consist in drawing with mouse the position that you want a group of units to take, for me the best add TA gets after it's original design.

    Spaceships or planes abble to move from celestial body to another.

    Damageable units: units randomly loosing moving ability, fire power, accuracy, ect, as they loosing hp.

    Repairable wrecks!

    That's all right now :mrgreen:
    Last edited: August 27, 2012
  2. galaxy366

    galaxy366 Member

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    Welcome to the forum! :mrgreen:

    ''Spaceships or planes abble to move from celestial body to another.''

    I don't know about that as PA won't have spaceships. Air units will probably just stick to the planet you build them on.
  3. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    Suggested here aswell:http://forums.uberent.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=61&t34222

    Yes! Yes! YES!!!
    Except... it shouldn't be random. As the unit get hit, parts of it should be disabled or blown off depending on the projectile physics. Some components should be more vulnerable like radar, missiles or mechanical legs while other components like an armored hull should be more protected. A weapon that can't penetrate the thick armor of a tank should barely be hurt at all while components like turret and tracks are more vulnerable.
    Units that are still functional but little more than a wreck should be able to be repaired by constructors. Tanks that gotten their turret blown off should be able to return to base for repairs.
    Mm... simulation... Want more!!!

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