1. InsolubleFluff

    InsolubleFluff New Member

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    1. Assassin sometimes spawns without the ability to use lunge on sword or dash

    2. Sniper sometimes spawns without the ability to use ice traps

    3a. Scramblers are still really weak.
    3b. Also, I played all the Blitz Games but still haven't had an opportunity to get 25 Scrambler kills and since nobody uses them online, I don't see that happening without a private match. If there's an opportunity i'm missing, would be good to know about it.

    4.Snipers throw is level 2, perhaps it could be better served as level 3 so it matches the assault and gunner?

    5. The gap between Assassin's Level 2 Dash and Level 3 Dash is great, this may be due to wanting the assassin to be a great late game class, but it could be a bit fairer on the rather weak assassin to have her dash level 2 slightly boosted.

    6a. LazerBlazers are really ineffective, granted they're cheap, but when a pubby builds one instead of a rockit-turret it's usually more of a hurt than a help.
    6b. Shaveice are really effective at showing a pro where assassin's are, but perhaps it could be useful to show the bots and turrets where the pro's are. Making the shaveice a major part of a base defense.
    6c. Longshots are great at damage and range, but it's not uncommon for them to hit the massive glass panels in lazer razor or steel peel, I doubt anything could be done there, but if you can come up with any ideas to make it slightly less likely to happen, that'd be great :)!
    6d. Rockit-Turrets are awesome now. Price is right and damage and health are wonderful, thanks :)!

    7. Support's airstrike has pushed the support out of an offensive position and in to a defensive position, some would say this is a bad thing, but I'd disagree. However, healing bots, pros and turrets should reward the support with perhaps 5 gold instead of 1 gold? This would open opportunities for gapshots, strong defenses and the abilities to go out and push the field.

    8. Bots are strong in large number and Spunky Cola proves that a huge horde of blackjacks versus a pro can be extremely effective, this is why I think it could be a good idea to double the amount of bots spawned and half the amount of gold earned for killing bots. The amount of money available from bots hasn't changed, but the bots effectiveness against pros and bases increases.

    9. The Bouncer spawn was a great idea at making late game bots still strong, but they've really become a massive nuisance to many. Perhaps spawn them every other spawn rather than every spawn? Or perhaps even make it random which bots come out so that perhaps you'll get a gapshot, scramblers, gremlins or buzzers instead? This could also help with the bot kill tags?

    10. Sniper is still one of the easiest classes to get an uber streak. In fact, the other day I got two uber streaks in one day using the sniper. My scores were 51 - 2 and 41 - 3. Perhaps I'm good at head shotting people, but perhaps the sniper is overpowered?

    11. Was your intention when designing the secondary weapons to make them weaker or equally strong to the primary weapon? I found that playing an SMG Sniper, Shuriken Assassin and Shotgun Support were all great fun. Where as the Railgun Tank, Grenade Launcher Assault, Mortar Gunner were all really quite boring. Perhaps it's better this way since they're assault classes, but maybe there's some way of changing it so that perhaps:

    - Assault's grenade launcher when upgraded to level 3 could split like the mortar?
    - Tank's rail gun could start weaker and be upgraded with the passive to make it stronger by adding damage (and increasing the diameter of the beam to make it look more powerful) or by making it faster (also increasing the amount of damage done, but makes it more fun to run around firing off loads of rail gun beams)
    - Gunner's mortar can't really be improved much since it's so powerful and already has splitting bullets. No ideas :(!

    Any ways, all of these were ideas, bugs and feedback that I felt could be useful, hopefully other people will like some ideas, disagree with some ideas and improve upon ideas and then we can see them in the next DLC.
  2. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    A lot of these ideas i support, these do need to be looked into by the Dev's
  3. Randy Watson

    Randy Watson New Member

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    I agree that a lot of these are good ideas, nice list.
  4. Fuzzy Citrus

    Fuzzy Citrus New Member

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    I agree with all but the weapons idea you had. The motars, Assault's grenade launcher, and the rail gun don't need any adjustments in my opinion. If you are good with the class with how they are now, then you know they work just fine. We don't need all of the classes to be so powerful that even a noob can challenge above average people. There needs to be a skill level for each class. If you increased their power now...I would really hate to fight Hudson, SDX and the like. They show you need skill for classes...

    but goes without saying really.

    Love the idea about random bots spotting <3 I would love to see that implanted in the game.

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