Hi, in TA it was very easy to differ between the units and buidlings in the buildmenue. The buildmenu was big enough and the pictures of the units where different enough from each other. Sadly, in SupCom and FA that wasn´t the case so much anymore. As an example the pictures of the UEF destroyer and the Cruiser. Maybe its just stupid me, but I had to mousehover over both of the pictures everytime to figure out what is what, because the pictures are very similar(blue backround and a grey ship up front). And the fact that the build menue pictures are much smaller then in TA didn´t helped the case. So please make sure that the build menue pictures are different enough from each other, so that they accessible very intuitive. I´m sure that helps new players as well to get into the game faster. From what I saw in replays of SupCom or FA on youtube, the tactical signs where bigger on thoose build menue pictures, but the game versions I have played, haven´t had that.