I was just about to start my first game of PA I thought I'd unbalance the game a little so I get chance to play around with all the units and don't have to play strategically. My intention was to put me+2 bots vs 2 bots It appears I can only have a team of bots or people but cant have both on the same side. I can think of several reasons I'd like to do this. Me+Bot vs bro+bot just to up the scale a bit.
I think it's not possible and I guess won't be possible in team armies mode for obvious reasons. Still there should be alliance mode in future and then you'll able to play in alliance with bot.
Good God I could not imagine how annoying having AI controlling my army would be Lets keep it to alliance mode
Actually the thought of an ai being able to control my army sounds like a fun idea. Could be annoying but could be fun too. Can other players on your team control your army then? I've not played with humans yet. Alliance mode can't be selected. I did guess it might be something like this. What I'd like to see is like my TA setup. You can mix and match bots and humans and by different players hosting the bots you can have different bot difficulties or play styles
If AI not designed for that it's won't be playable for you at all. If I remember correct in Age of Empires 2 something like that worked if you set same color for you and AI, but it's not fun, really. Yes.