Hi everyone, Im not sure if this has been suggested already, so forgive me if they have, but I had a few ideas for features which could be implemented. 1. Anchoring the camera orientation. When scrolling around a planet, I can't help noticing that the horizontal orientation changes, so I'm not looking in the same direction. Would it be possible to make a feature so you could anchor the camera in a direction (e.g north, south, east or west). this would ensure you where always oriented in the same direction regardles of how much excessive scrolling you did. It would make map orientation a little less confusing. Perhaps make the feature toggleble so if players who wouldnt want to use it, could ignore it. 2. More camera stuff Would it also be possible to elevate the camera while on a planet, so I isn't looking top down on the stuff right in front of me but rather from a an off angle (like so many other modern RTS's. 3 Shield walls I know its been mentioned in one of the broadcasts that there currently isn't going to be shields in the game...atleast for now. But I was thinking, if shields are going to be ingame (and I actually hope they do), what about making some directional shields. Basically you build and orient a projector structure, and it make a shield wall in frong of defence. High enough to deflect incoming ballistic shells and unitfire. It would not however protect from other direction other than the one its facing. Maybe the shield wall should be curved a bit so it forms a semi circle (a part of it). It would be a different take on shields, and would and some more flavor to the game.
1. There is a pole-locking option somewhere, look through the menus. 2. You can hit spacebar and then hold down the middle mouse button to rotate the camera in place, but you can't really play this way, its currently just a cinematic/debug view. 3. Directional shields were mentioned briefly at one point. They said they'd think about it but its doubtful shields will be in the game.
1 You can also use 'n' to orient north. 2 You can ctrl+m and use wasd+ f + r. However it's not entirely feasible for play. Though it would be nice to have a couple different view levels you could switch between. 3 Tons of threads.
As my first post I have to say I'm pretty disappointed that there isn't going to be any shields in the game, it was one of my favorite features that was in the supcom series. I sort of knew when it was discussed somewhere about the turrets being weaker because their not meant to withstand pounding after pounding before they blew up, and the shields directly relates to this terminology for the game really... but I absolutely loved the shield bubbles, you could still implement them in not an overpower full way, like only being aloud to place 1 shield bubble per planet or something, not like supcom where you could spam 100 of them with an impenetrable shield. I really hope they reconsider because this such an awesome game mechanic that still actually really isn't in that many RTS games.
Shield is a defensive structure that ONLY supports turtling. I don't think this game needs anymore reason for people to start turtling. Also I can't see anything FUN in playing as or against a turtle. So no, I don't want shields. The wall, turrets and artillery is impenetrable enough.