Hey yall, What do you think about leaving icons for already scouted enemy buildings persistently viewable? It'd make spotting scouted enemy bases and going back to them a lot easier. Maybe greyed out or a bit dimmed, so it's obvious that it's out of date intel, and it'd be updated the next time there is radar coverage or it's within a unit's line of sight. Thoughts?
This has been requested many times and is my #1 most wanted feature. I haven't heard anything from Uber about it though
Ok sow darkened icons witch has been scouted and last seen in that position. That is nice for spotting commanders and such. But buildings you can see. They are visible but no icons.
but they are hard to see, you have to zoom in and it may not be immediately obvious what stuff is through the fog of war (even a one second delay is longer than it needs to be)
I'd like to have the system where enemy units show up as dots on radar, but if they enter your vision then leave the icon is retained in radar. Of course if the unit leaves radar completely it appears as a dot again until it passes through vision. I would like dimmed strategic icons for buildings. The icons should also dissapear if the building does, as that's what would happen to the radar dot if you hadn't scouted the area.
We have talked about this indeed, but this hasn't been brought up recently and I felt it to be appropriate to re-visit this and bring the need to Jables' attention. They are there, but when you're looking around a planet, zoomed out, on the dark side, you can't always tell buildings from terrain features. You can't get a nice and easy overview, or a quick visual reminder on where the enemy base is exactly.
Regarding the spotting of commanders, you can click on the comm icon in the upper left corner. It'll take you to the last known position of that enemy commander.
I agree - having at least buildings retain their icons while they remain on radar (after being scouted and returning into the Fog of War) would help a lot of players out. It would be a good quality-of-life addition.
you all know my thoughts on this and you really could have just bumped my thread instead of creating a new one : https://forums.uberent.com/threads/...blips-and-the-general-approach-to-intel.49424