So, we're getting gas giants, but as far as i can tell, there's no terrain on them. Which would suggest that the texture/colour is a map of some kind. Could we please have some control of the colours please? Even if it's just a palette swap. If you have to you could make a preprepared colour selection (choose jupiter orange, titan green, neptune blue) but what i really want is something like: Choose texture: smooth/bands/clumpy/sparkley/dusty Choose primary colour (swatches/slider) Chose secondary colour (swatches/slider) Choose haze/glow colour. that sort of thing. Or if it's a processed bitmap, an option to add your own bitmap in the system generator. Questions? Comments?
I really like this idea, it would be bland to just have one color for every gas giant. Id like to see all kinds of colors, maybe even stripes like Jupiter as you have stated. Where did you hear that we are going to get gas giants? I know it was on kickstarter but its coming in soon?
When you are saying that we are getting gas giants, do you mean that they have been confirmed to be released before 1.0 or that we will get them eventually?
They were a stretch goal obtained from the kickstarter campaign, and so are a guaranteed feature. As far as I know, that means they should be included by official release (even if they can't be interacted with directly), but that's just my own assumption.
True! Although I also seem to remember the Unit Cannon being in the video of the thing I backed, and it doesn't look like I'm getting that any time soon...*grumble grumble*
Unfortunately (for my understanding) the only guaranteed things out of a kickstarter campaign are the rewards for higher tiers of backers. Stretched goals are not guaranteed by any mean.
Here are some gas planets i selected from this Space Engine thread. For more thoughts about gas planets
And cool storms like Saturn's hexagon!
I think the stretch goals are guaranteed- the unit cannon *wasn't* a stretch goal. It was shown in the pitch video but it wasn't actually stated anywhere. The stretch-goals were: 1: Naval units & water Planets: Check 2: Gas Giants & Orbital Units: So orbital is up, no gas giants yet. 3: Metal and Lava Planets: Check and Check. 4: Galactic war: Confirmed incoming (they are on their 3rd iteration of it...) 5: Full Orchestral Score: Check. 6: Planetary Documentary: Can't really be done until the game is released anyway. So we are waiting on two whole stretch goals and part of another. Hardly a disaster They also added Mac and Linux support during the campaign and both are up and running- I think we need to give Uber a bit more credit here. Edit: Regarding the OP, agreed nice idea