Fast Money = Better Skills

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by ActiveHate, September 2, 2010.

  1. ActiveHate

    ActiveHate New Member

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    Here's a little strategy I recently discovered while playing around in a few Crossfire matches. First off you start out as an Assassin regardless what you're main class may be. Assassins are hands down the best bot farmers in the game. What is Bot Farming you ask? It's a little trick used to generate quick cash so you can spend it later. Bot farming is usually the most effective way to generate the highest earnings per match.

    When you spawn DO NOT purchase any skills or build any turrets. The object of this strategy is to rush over to your opponents base and just start killing all their bots. Bots drop gold which will add up very quickly over time. Through a combination of melee and lunge attacks you can quickly and effectively destroy bots better then any other class. If you become targeted by an enemy player use your skills to escape to safety and continue farming until you reach your set money goal. I usually stop at about $800 unless I get juice then I rush into their base and destroy as many turrets as possible before dying. When you're respawning switch to your main class. I usually switch to Gunner even though my main is support. The reason being Fast Dual Miniguns are severly overpowered.

    Once you've switched to the class you want begin upgrading your favorite skills to the desired level. The new skills you've purchased from Bot Farming early on in the game will give you a slight advantage over the competition. You can effectively use this strategy for any class including the assassin itself.
  2. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    This works rather well.

    However if you are edgy about using the assassin, or you already have too many in your group. Tank is just as good at farming bots. Just be carefull not to die early, since you lack the mobility the assassin has.
  3. ActiveHate

    ActiveHate New Member

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    There is also an alternate version I developed of this strategy aimed more towards defense. It involves you and one of your friends who play as the support class. What you do is basically go around killing everything for quick cash run back to your base and build turrets all game. The support then hacks/heals/upgrades any turrets they can while the other 4 players on your team take care of offense. This Assassin+Support combo puts up a very strong defense even though the Assassin might not get as many kills as everyone else since their primary focus would be destroying bots and turrets.
  4. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    /yawn. In 95% of the games I play I get my double miniguns within the first minute. I kill people and bots. The rest is extremely obvious if you watch me. All the smart players are doing it. Most of the inexperienced players do not.
  5. ActiveHate

    ActiveHate New Member

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    Almost every game I play I end up getting cash a lot faster then any player running around getting kills. It's just a personal preference to speed up the process. Killing bots also helps your team out a lot more then running around getting kills. Bots are what take down the moneyballs shields I can usually lead the offensive push with my assassin and have your moneyballs shields down in 1-2 minutes.
  6. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Killing Bots i.e. Clearing/Pushing a Lane should always be Priority number 1.
    This is just one of the reasons why.
  7. ActiveHate

    ActiveHate New Member

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    Agreed. Locking down the map and pushing your bots forward is really the only way to win. It doesn't matter if the other team goes massively positive. The game isn't about K/D ratios it's an objective based game.
  8. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Here's my problem with your strategy... anyone who isn't stupid is going to see you uncloaked and shoot you. When I see an assassin doing what you're doing they either die instantly or they run away with cheat dash speed.

    A good team will send someone with the bots on either side of the lane and that will completely defeat your strategy. I like to push the enemy team into their base. If you don't come out of your base as we camp it then my bots will eventually arrive en mass on your doorstep. Also bear in mind that I usually kill off the enemy turrets within the second minute. Most of my games have ended before the third minute of regulation play.

    The most money I've ever gotten in a game was $7,546 (before the 1000 bonus). This game ended about a minute before overtime started. If you are good at running streaks, you will get lots more money from killing players.
  9. ActiveHate

    ActiveHate New Member

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    I know that this strategy won't necessarily work against well organized teams this is more designed for the casual matchmaking play. If I get noticed while killing bots I usually smoke bomb jump, cloak, and try to land in a safe spot. Next I scout the area and see how many players have spotted me. If it's just one usually I attempt to go kill that player but if it's 2-3 pushing as a group I might switch to my support class and take the game a little more seriously.

    I'm very effective on offense and defense as a support I can either build up the base and keep the enemies out or play very aggressively using firebase+airstrike as my main skills. I can usually get massive killstreaks either way.
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You do know that the Assassin can also use it's Right Bumper attack as a quick dash/jump. Most of the time that is possibly what you see.

    Anyways, this seems more like for the first minute or two of the game, which in that case is very effective. I shall give it a try.

    Oh and that other thing with the Support. I noticed how well that works. I have a buddy who mains Support but plays defense. One time I had extra cash so I just upgraded a turret on my way out. He was all like "Oh, thank you thank you. I was trying to save for that forever." I tried helping him out earlier on and we had great defenses. While I was a Tank pushing our line forward.
  11. SuLLy

    SuLLy New Member

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    Tanks may walk slow but if you dash then jump your jet pack will take you far and at a very fast rate. The whirlwind attack will kill any blackjack or slim. So, you can kill a large group of bots in one swing. It's fast, effective and imo better than the assassin.
  12. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    Tanks are far better bot killers, and snipers are better until you get level 3 passive for the sword at which point you're even, and actually a support who uses his shotgun grapple against bots, combined with his firebase and shotgun shells between grapples is as effective as an assassin, and can also kill pros while doing it.

    People need to get it out of their head that assassins are "bot killers". It's not true, it's just the role they're pigeon-holed into because especially after the patch they wont be able to do anything else. Once you take away the sprint glitch (which should go), they will be immensely underpowered imo. If you took away the assault's rifle and flying ability and left him with just his launcher and charge, he would be seen as the "bot killer". Not because he's much better at bot killing that anyone else, but because he can't really do anything else.

    Everyone can clean a sink, but that doesn't mean you're a maid, it's just something you do between other stuff. Unfortunately especially after the patch, assassins will have no more ability to "do other stuff". That doesn't mean they're maids, it means all they can do right now is clean sinks until they find a better solution. Then they can clean sinks, like everyone else, and do other stuff too (like everyone else).
  13. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    sure killing bots gets u some money but if u kill em faster than they come out it, it can mean a lot of waiting. and if i get a killstreak early on i can be fully upgraded in a couple minutes. my best was being fully upgraded in a minute 30seconds when i killed the entire enemy team at the start and kept killing em near their spawn (being a lot stronger due to upgrades) till i finally died at 23 kills.

    also wile whatever ur name is u obviously dont know how to kill bots as an assassin cuz the support is slow as **** in comparison. the assassin can 1 hit a group with her charge then charge the next group.
  14. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    Red whatever your name is,

    You "obviously don't know anything" about the support class and didn't read my whole post explaining why the lack of speed doesn't matter. I rake in so much cash as a support it's sickening. I'll have a couple upgrades and 2 fully upgraded rock-its some games. And 1-shotting a group isnt super common, you have to take the time to lineup the slims and the blackjacks just right. Pressing LT as a tank is far easier and faster and you don't have to line anything up. And in order to take out bots with your weapon quickly you need level 3 sword, as I already covered in my first post.
  15. ActiveHate

    ActiveHate New Member

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    The support isn't as effective as the Assassin because the assassin has the ability to escape from the area quickly if a enemy player should realize what you're doing. Most of the time a support doing this strategy would easily be gunned down. The tank has good survivability so I could see that being used as well as the Assassin.

    I don't believe the Assassin is just a "bot killer" they are great at killing players and breaching the enemy base using their shurikens. There's nothing wrong with being a "bot killer" anyways. The whole object of the game is to escort your bots forward while killing all the enemy bots that get in your way. Players underestimate the bots role in this game so much that it usually ends up costing them the win. Then it leaves them wondering why they lost when they had a massive kill streak going.
  16. ActiveHate

    ActiveHate New Member

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    Yeah I usually play as a Support so I know how much of a pain it is to save up for turrets/hack/firebase when playing defensively. It usually takes quite awhile to get the cash flow going if you're not killing things. Using this strategy I've ended up building a base full of level 3 Rockits.

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