Been playing a few games of PA, and I notice that sometimes you end up on a little sub continent and short on room. The result is I'm forced to build factories very close if not right up against each other causing a very annoying problem: I don't know which side of the factory is the front and which is the rear! Suffice it to say, I've put factories up against other structures and fabricated bots, which then walk down the ramp of the factory and into other buildings/cliffs/mountains/the ocean/canyons and then get stuck. I am already very glad to see there is a snap feature as well as the ability to orientate factories, but they still at times snap on backwards causing problems, and sometimes I lose track of which side is which when trying to place a factory. It would be very convenient if an arrow was added to the side of the factories that units come out of when it's showing the white-frame of the building whilst selecting where/which direction I want it to be built.
Give the factory a rally point away from the interfering structure/cliff. Factories have two ramps, and are smart enough to push them out of the one closest to the current rally point.
If you set a rally point to where you would like the front to be before you click to build a unit the factory will exit at the desired side. If you do it after the first unit is built 50% chance you will get the right side
@axyz Welcome to the forums! I am trying to collect all the community UI suggestion in 1 spot: Your suggestion has been added to the list. [SUGGESTION] Building/Production ~ Structures ~ Orange glowing arrows in ghost overlay to show exit ramp directions. Thanks for your feedback!
It's worth noting that, based on your rally point, the units come out of one of two sides, parallel to each other. It's quite easy to build around.
An indicator would be nice. However I do really like that units can come out of both sides when you set a rally point.