Factory/Commander/Fab. Units Sidebar

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Mavlz, January 10, 2014.

  1. Mavlz

    Mavlz New Member

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    For my first post, I'd like to do a suggestion :)

    To be honest, i have no clue if what im about to talk about was already suggested in other forum posts, if yes then I'm sorry for posting this.

    I just recently got Planetary Annihilation in Steam. After updating my GPU drivers i jumped in the game and played around on some planets i made.
    The following are some suggestions I would like to give after some player vs AI matches and comparing my experience in the game with other RTS games like Supreme Commander (...I know, but the games are somewhat similar!).
    In my first match i played on a solar system that i quickly put together using the solar system tool. After about 50 minutes in the game i started expanding to other moons and planets and tried to build there when i found a little "problem" which basically this post is supposed to be about.
    In PA players will have to expand their bases and by that their control over the planets surface and ultimately the entire solar system they play in. But after a while bases take up huuuge areas and finding your fab. Units and sometime even the commander is such a pain!
    In SupCom2, the UI included a sidebar which had clickable buttons to quickly get to the commander, or a Factory which at that moment did not do anything. Having a sidebar like that in PA would help managing a base and expanding it alot.
    iron420 likes this.
  2. duncane

    duncane Active Member

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    I agree. This would be useful. Probably can be done by a mod now?
  3. Mavlz

    Mavlz New Member

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    Probably. But to be honest i see this as a "must have" for an RTS at this scale. Its impossible to remember where that one particular unit just finished his line of metal extractor build orders and is now standing around doing nothing. In the first few minutes its not a big deal since your base is kinda small and you see inactive fabrication units pretty easily. But imagine having 3 or more bases on different planets... you're just not able to command them all by just looking at the base because there's simply too much stuff happening. Or even imagine finding an inactive fabrication unit to get some turrets up in an event of a surprise attack... :oops:
    No, i think we don't need this feature as a mod, it should be implemented in the game by the devs ;)
  4. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    Seems too simple and necessary to warrant a mod. Every player needs this, how hard can it be for Uber to add this UI feature? All the icon assets are already there. This should taker 1 employee 1-2 hours at most to implement and this isn't the 1st post I've seen about this.
  5. Mavlz

    Mavlz New Member

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    I kinda agree with you. But we shouldn't put that much pressure on the developers for getting an UI feature -important and nice to have or not-, they already announced some serious amount of content that's gonna show up in the next patch.
    This was meant as a suggestion thread and as long as it reaches Uber and might get them to add it I'm happy to to make the game a bit better for everyone :D

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