Hi guys I'm usually content to let things lie, given by list of posts but there's been something bothering me with no real resolution in sight. With the construction ques by fabricators, if you deselect everything, you can see them all but if you have a construction unit selected, you can only see the build cue of the currently selected fabricator. Is there any reason why the code can't be adjusted so that you can see all fabrication cues? If the original goal was to avoid confusion, why not change the colour of all the other build cues to the player colour? Or vice versa, everything else is white and the current build cue is the player colour?
I believe there's a setting for seeing all build stuff all the time, but having a distinction for currently selected wouldn't hurt.
The one thing that i'm really sad i cant to is drag around the positions of the preview wireframes in a fabricator's build queue, and/ or remove a building from out of the middle of a queue without restarting, a single mis-click after setting up a massive queue, and either you're building something in a derp spot/ building the wrong thing, or starting the queue all over again.