When i generated this planet (image below) it took about 5 minutes and i had ~12 fps, if i change the sliders temp and water height, generation takes about 30 seconds and i get about 25fps, why is that? Also, why is fps exponentially lower in system editor?
btw, would anyone else wanna play on this planet, it looks really interesting from a gameplay perspective
It has something to do with the mountain biomes I believe. Whenever they are present in large numbers I notice the generation time takes significantly longer than normal.
If one is not already present, you should create one on the bug tracker. If you're not familiar with it, read this: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/bug-repository-pa-tracker.46855/#post-794648 Make sure you do a search before posting it to avoid duplicates.
You already tried known workarounds to improve FPS? If you want to report it please make some real performance testing, enable FPS counter and get some numbers from different kind of planets. Just to be sure bottleneck not somewhere on your computer.
I just checked generation process. For me it's take 35.7 sec to generate same planet, but it's used about 5GB RAM. Can you check game memory usage for you when you generate this planet? Might be it's was so slow due because you out of RAM?
When i generate it, it uses about 7 GB of RAM out of my 8 GB total and when i tried to start a game with it, everybody froze and d/c'ed
What workarounds are there? The only one I know of is Slowbars and it is very helpful but not in System Editor
I listed them here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/864980734977925162/ On Nvidia card you might try to use "Threaded optimization" and if this not helps set process priority. This won't fix memory leaks, but planet generation will be much faster.