Explosive Shots - This nonsense needs to end

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Liefglinde, November 3, 2010.

  1. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    The fact that a Sniper, a precision class, is able to use splash damage is still strange to me. But let them have it, fine. Let them be able to activate it on the other team's bots, fine. Other team's pros? Fine. Other team's turrents/moneyball? Fine.

    Why in the world do explosive shots activate on your own team's pros/moneyball/bots? I find this ridiculous and incredibly overpowered. Not only that, why can 1 explosive shot take out a full health gold Armor Assassin?

    Playing a few games earlier, this is the one thing that consistently killed me. I take out bots as an Assassin - it's what I do. This kind Sniper on the other team decides to shoot his own bots with explosive rounds. And he kills me in 1 shot doing this. Several times.

    I build up juice by slashing the moneyball. A Sniper on the other team shoots his own moneyball, boom I'm dead in one shot.

    This also makes it extremely difficult to take out bots and Jackbots, as Snipers can sit in their base and kill you, or at least make the Jackbot untouchable by Assassins and completely protect them from grapples by Assassins or other Snipers.

    I am not saying that explosive shots should be removed. I think they are fine as they give Snipers the ability to lane push (although I do not necessarily agree with this). However, these explosive shots, in my opinion, are game-breaking with their ability to activate on your own team's bots/pros/moneyball.

    Again I pose the question, why should explosive shots activate on members/objects belonging to your own team?
  2. dredd

    dredd Member

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    The Assassin is squishy to start with giveing her level 3 armor duzent do much for makeing her not squishy......sry but QQ bro
  3. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Lol... read the thread, please. This has nothing to do with the Assassin, I was just stating a particular experience I had.
  4. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    IMO the explosive damage shouldn't even hit pros, just bots. It should be a farming tool, not an accidentally-kill-pros tool
  5. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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    Iv always wandered why it triggered on team mates and such, but i guess an explosive bullet hitting something will still explode. What i don't get is why it doesn't explode if i shoot a wall/floor/turret nub? But i guess thats the way its made.

    I usually shoot my bots to hurt someone whos trying to take them out, its a good lane pushing tactic.
  6. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Explosive rounds tend to reward lazy snipers. Instead of aiming at the person trying to hurt your Jackbot, shoot your Jackbot. Same applies for your bots,turrets, moneyball. It turns whatever you are shooting at into a giant explosive, whether friendly or not. Uber should really make it that it only affects enemy units. Or at least turn down the damage/range of the explosions.
  7. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I've always had a theorycrafting issue with precision based snipers having 3 of the best AoE attacks in the game. (Flak 3, Ice Trap Skill Drain, Explosive Shots).

    All three have been nerfed in some way in the upcoming patch (Flak now is colored so you can tell the difference between friendly/foe flak without walking into it, Ice Traps skill drain is less and only snares target(s) who set off trap, explosive shot's juice gain is lowered.)

    I think I'll still be annoyed with explosive rounds after the patch, but I think the sniper will be much closer to balanced after the patch.

    I kind of wish snipers had to choose between headshot capabilities and explosive rounds, but that would be extremely counter to how all other classes are designed.
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Right it makes no sense. We can walk through friendly bots and even shoot through them but the Sniper's Explosive shots can be activated of friendly bots. As a Tank I feel your pain Lief, 'cause my playstyle is objective based. Meaning I mainly focus on pushing back enemy bots while escorting mine. Although as a Tank it takes 2 shots to take me out.
  9. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    You don't die in one shot unless the bullet penetrates and explodes on each thing. And you have sprint to get away.
  10. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Yeah, pretty much that. A sniper can make their team's bots untouchable.
  11. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    As it stands, Snipers are the most effective stopper for Assassin's juice farming. Because of this, I don't really have a problem with it in the current environment of the game. There are also some fixes coming out the the DLC that should address sight lines, forcing the sniper to leave his base if he isn't already, making him easier to attack while protecting his bot line. Either way, given the sniper's inability to push bot lanes unless literally no one is there for the other team, I don't really feel there is any problem. The only two classes this really affects is Assassin and Tank, so it is not game-altering in the way you guys seem to be making it out to be.
  12. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Everybody else shoots and passes through friendly bots and such

    Sniper3 rounds are the only thing that interact directly with friendly bots
    Seems kinda odd

    It's not so bad until later in the game when you have waves of 5+ bots
    Depending on how many bots it passes through the damage changes as you are being hit with multiple explosive procs simultaneously, Ive even been killed in one shot as a tank :roll:
  13. dredd

    dredd Member

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    So you have a bad experience geting sniped and decide to run and cry on the fourms about it? so does that mean when ever i get roflpwnt in a game i can come here and cry whine and moan about a class?....well really the only classes that are OP are the Support and Assault
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I don't see how these classes are overpowered? You must be smoking something.
  15. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I would ask that you stop derailing my thread. I played against you last night and big surprise, you play Sniper. So obviously you like the explosive rounds.

    It is not that I had a "bad experience" ... it's that I think a certain ability is overpowered and that is what I'm posting about. If you have nothing constructive to say, do not waste my time, or the time of those reading this.
  16. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Well said Lief.
  17. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Yeah. You just lost any possible credibility you had right there.
  18. zodbones

    zodbones New Member

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    honestly explosive shot needs its damage retuned.
    why should a sniper do what gunners and assaults do but better?
    Sniper explosions can kill bots muuuuch faster than the other two mentioned classes, and without having to be anywhere near them.

    also the damage it does to pros is too high imo.
    As a gunner it 3 shots me WITH Gold Armor emdorsement.

    If I didn't put armor on any of my classes i'd be 1-2 shotted as anything.

    also about the mentioned support OP thing, he's fine except his shotgun deals an insane amount of damage to pros, but it feels really weak against bots.
    why is that??
  19. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    I think its supposed to balance him out. He's great at close range with pros, but unless he has his firebase, he's fairly poor at stopping enemy bots. Try to use the shotgun on blackjacks and their lasers and or punches could very well kill you. Forcing him to rely on his HHGun, which is damned slow. Or he can use up one of his precious Air Strikes, which are normally saved for taking out turrets when pushing lanes.
  20. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    always made no sense as to how explosive rounds should be allowed to hit allys, explode off of them, and not damage them as well.

    but i do not feel it is a balance issue. and furthermore, its nonsense but its stated in the HowToPlay. as it also said that assassins shouldnt be able to do damage cloaked, as for snipers its said explosive rounds work on friendlies and enemys. give the devs a mild amount of hate for that lmao.

    but they dont deserve much. snipers in an objective game were probably hard to balance. explosive rounds were a good idea to make snipers able to do the objective as well as other classes, as well as their other skills (they do have a lot, which many complain about)

    id say you hafta kill the sniper. they have no health, just kill them. just wounding them would maybe make them leave you alone. but somebody has to put hurt on the sniper, perhaps an assassin or assault or another sniper. its the only way to clear the explosive hellstorm around thier bots.

    at least i would go after the sniper the first time i get an explosive round death off of their ally bots.

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