Expectations are retarded( Im mad at the Pub Assault)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by gunked, January 3, 2012.

  1. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    Im getting tired of people trying extremely hard to beat even though im playing a sniper, tank or support. Even assault or gunner.It like im supposed to go Assault and beat them to try and prove that im better than them... :?: Sometimes i wanna play feedle tank or turtle support because im bored of juice chaining and anytime someone beats me the send me wink messages or talk trash in game. I have my games where i try, dont get me wrong, but i dont want to be in "try" mode just because one person came into a lobby. I dont try to impress people with my awesome skills, i just wanna have fun sometimes without someone punching bots and juicing on me (edit: by juicing on me i me like 5 or more times and hunting me), with a taunt to follow up right after. Anyone that has ever heard me talk in party chats during a intense game knows that I dont rage and throw my controller every where, its even to the point where no one on xbox has ever heard me say any profanity so i dont know why people even try. I guess people are scared that i might be recording them, but my answer to that is, "unless your trolltables dont get your hopes up your not that important KID!".

    Adding my post that are relevant:

    Edit: I dont have a problem with people trying to kill me (hunting me) but its when you get into a game like that every single time you are in a lobby it starts to get annoying.

    edit:Its not that i care about dying or getting juiced on its more about people making the game boring and repetitive for me, to the point were its the same sh!t day in and day out. I was just expressing my feelings towards this and wanted to know if this is how you guys feel.

    edit:I already posted that its not that people kill me. If you cant read then dont post. Also if you are not familiar with the mnc community in the xbox scene not on the forums dont post. Anyone that is familiar with the xbox community in-game knows what im talking about.

    edit: I would also like to add and repeat that its not the crazy intense games that i play or "pub assaults" (and by that i mean chollo's alt account :D )that made me make this thread its the fact that both killing noobs and more experienced players is getting so boring i dont like to play the game for that long anymore.

    edit:i would also like to add that playing MNC privates with the same 10 people is getting boring. The competition that i had in mnc feels like it is no longer there because i have played against and with the current "top" players and it seems that what you to provide for a good challenge is no longer there.

    edit:i guess i have to clarify for you a little more. When i said there is no more of a challenge i meant that its the same 10 people that play privates so after a while you get to know how they play and becomes boring to play against them because you can predict what they are going to do and how their score is going to look like. And for padding states, well i cant say i wasnt because i was trying to get the uber but the problem is what everyone is used to playing is pick-up scrims, which dont involve actual teams. My mentailty for a pick-up scrim is easy; if were going to lose because of a stack team, i pad my stats, if were going to completely demolish a team because im on a stacked team, i pad my stats. When its a close game i usually go for a win and try my best but towards the end if i know we are going to lose for sure or win i pad stats, why :?: because its a pick-up scrim.

    Also if yall want to know what makes me a bit salty is supports that get distracted in a private match. They basically lose a match for us. GG to them

    I guess you can say this my "Im quitting thread" but i will still play privates and public games but not as much as i used to.
    Last edited: January 12, 2012
  2. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Re: Expectations are retarded

    its bc we dont get to play you in privates because you're being gay in blitz or party chat pubstomping with vividreality. GAY
  3. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    Re: Expectations are retarded

    got to round 458, U MAD BRO!!!

    edit:ask Chron JR. how he like that punch i gave him :eek: :lol:
    Last edited: January 3, 2012
  4. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Re: Expectations are retarded

    i pubstomped you today and u left! GET MAD
  5. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    ......no you left if i remember correctly but you did beat me.
  6. Not Officer Willy

    Not Officer Willy New Member

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    Re: Expectations are retarded

    Somebody is mad, very very mad.
  7. joker

    joker Active Member

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    u left after the first game but rejoined in the same lobby, then we left after the second game cause the host was terrible. and bc u were mad
  8. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    i left after so its not a rage quit..... :?: and ya that host the second game was sh!t
  9. joker

    joker Active Member

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    it was that starpilot87 guy both games. btw who the fvck is that guy anyway, appearantly hes a jackbot and ive never seen him before lol
  10. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    i dont but i remember he always played with philly
  11. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    He's a veteran who just returned a month ago.

    He was a good Support and Sniper.
  12. choiio

    choiio New Member

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    He should get on my level after my great 70-1 I pulled on him sniping LOOK AT THOSE STATS!!
  13. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    Ni__a you blind?
  14. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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  15. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Re: Expectations are retarded

    I agree. Sometimes I just want to play charge 3 spam assault or sui-support, but all these tryhards ruin it. Mostly the damn pub assaults.
  16. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Re: Expectations are retarded

    If you guys were smart like me, you'd change your gt every few months. I dont ever get that because nobody knows who the **** I am except the private match community.
  17. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    I don't have money to spend and don't want to abandon this awesome GT.
  18. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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    Re: Expectations are retarded

    Learn to not care.

    I **** around half the time you're in the lobby against me doing the same exact thing that you're whining about being done to you.

    Do you see me making a thread?
  19. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    Re: Expectations are retarded

    Its not that i care about dying or getting juiced on its more about people making the game boring and repetitive for me, to the point were its the same sh!t day in and day out. I was just expressing my feelings towards this and wanted to know if this is how you guys feel.
  20. minerva

    minerva New Member

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