eXodus eSports' tournament database is getting fat

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Quitch, August 1, 2014.

  1. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Over the last two weeks we've been working hard at eXodus eSports inputting the history of Planetary Annihilation tournaments into our database. Every tournament from now back to March – when the community first started using Challonge – has been imported. Every match, every player, every VOD, every PA Stats link. It’s all in there. That makes for:
    • 31 events
    • 777 matches
    • 250 players
    • 198 VODs
    Just head over to eXodus eSports and into the events tab and take a look. Or if you just want to see how the game has evolved in only a few short months, have a look at the eXodus eSports videos section. While you're at it, pop into one of your games and click your name to get to your player profile. See what your win ratio looks like, or how often you finish a game in under twelve minutes. What's your longest winning streak?

    As with any large piece of work there’s a possibility of error. if you see any mistakes please let us know. If you're a caster whose VODs are not on the site yet, please drop me a PM with your eXodus account name (ensuring you've linked it to your YouTube account) and we'll get it sorted. If you're a player who can’t update their player profile, again, drop me a PM with your eXodus account name and we'll get your account linked up to your profile.

    And we're not done yet, we want to capture every tournament that’s ever happened in this thriving community. But it’s tricky, records for many of them prior to March are hard to obtain. Please let us know if you can help with obtaining the following information for these events:
    • Tournament name
    • Organisers
    • Players
    • Casters
    • Matches
    • Results
    • Prizes
    Look for further improvements in the near future. A better live page for events, the ability to subscribe to stuff, notifications baked right into your web browser, more information in the database, more stats, a better interface for checking videos, easier access to your profile, bigger and better guides, and much more.

    If you want to be a part of all this, we’re still looking for people who can help us out with art and guides. Get in touch with me by PM if you think you can help.

    Stay tuned, this is just the beginning.
    stuart98, zaphodx, Bsport and 4 others like this.
  2. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    One question, if you look at the Weakest Link (tourney I hosted) and go to matches:

    Most of the games are blurred out? Is that just because the info hasn't been filled in or?
  3. wpmarshall

    wpmarshall Planetary Moderator

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    Spoilers ;)
  4. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    Yeah indeed click the Show Spoilers in top right site to remove spoilers globally.
    We have to make it more obvious :) agreed.
  5. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Ah got you! So if you wanted to watch the matches without knowing the final score.... Only issue is you *don't* hide the outcomes in the 'Brackets' page....
  6. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Yeah, it's so you don't know the final score and so future match-ups don't spoil previous ones. If you see Matiz in round 2 you know his opponent lost in round 1. It also applies to King of the Planet where it doesn't need to, but we'll make it smarter.

    The brackets are basically a embeded Challonge element, we can't control it. We're planning to completely replace it with our own system at some point. We've built a couple of custom brackets, but there's no underlying framework behind it yet so no spoiler protection I'm afraid.
    cdrkf likes this.
  7. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    Dear Exodus admins,

    I am most aggrieved to find missing from your database one of the most prestigious tournaments ever.

    • Tournament name: The One True Tournament
    • Organisers: Elodea
    • Players: Only the best. Can't remember their names though because they all left PA after getting beaten so badly
    • Casters: Too exclusive for casters
    • Matches: Elodea vs the world
    • Results: 1st place Elodea
    • Prizes: $1,000,000 winner takes all
    • Date: Sometime before March
    I hope to see this error rectified at your earliest convenience,

    The Dox Master
    cola_colin, stuart98, xSkitz and 6 others like this.
  8. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    It's just big-boned!
    xSkitz likes this.
  9. OathAlliance

    OathAlliance Well-Known Member

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    I think I remembered that one. I was wondering why there was a padlock on the door and a sign saying, "Trespassers will be reclaimed on sight."

    Now I know why...
    stuart98 likes this.

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