Hello, Has anything been said yet about exclusions? I am speaking of exclusions that can be set up for each different game as we saw in Supreme Commander (2). For example: no nukes, no artillery, no land/navy/air/orbital, no planet smashing etc etc. Going4Quests
That should be possible now with the server mods. Reserved for PTE streams only at the moment, but coming to the stable build soon probably. It doesn't seem like anybody created that mod yet though.
Wouldn't you be able to do it similar to how the DoxWars server mod removes units? That is, just remove the nukes as a build option for instance? Oh, unless you mean configurable when setting up the game. Yeah, no, that would require a lot of work. I meant it as a standalone server mod specifically for no-nukes or whatever.
This. The only way I can think of to make it fully 100% configurable ingame is to use create a single mod for every permutation of possible unit combinations and select to mount the right one from js.
Oh, phooey. There are only 41 units (including nukes, but not buildings) unless I miscounted. That means 2^41 possibilities. Assuming 1 kiB for the JSON stuff, that means that that mod would only be a measly 2.2 petabytes. Does that violate Uber's keep-server-mods-small-for-now policy?
Well the thing is you only would upload one of the files to the server. Just get a really big account on soome file hoster for the potential mod files
why not write a JS that creates the output variation for the units you want to block? have the table with all of the units and then you select, this in turn creates a line that blocks out units by creating an array or a string from those selections? is that possible, i don't know how the JS in the game works.
I believe this is coming eventually. But I wouldn't expect it soon. They have talked about having different game modes / options.
Really, anyone can do this with server mods. It is the easiest mod possible too. Take ANYONE else's mod that is mostly normal vanilla game. Delete EVERYTHING except their unit.json. Edit their unit.json, it is plain english, edit it and simply delete any unit out of it that you want removed, like nuke_launcher.json, and a single comma so there is only one comma left in it's place. It is removed, and thus the match will load without looking for that unit and it will be gone. Simple.