Everybody loves Railgun

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by TowelWarrior, September 11, 2010.

  1. TowelWarrior

    TowelWarrior New Member

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    Well I have to say it... I'm in love with the rail gun and all her beautiful glory.
    But, I was wondering what a decent endorsement build and sensitivity are for a man main-ing a RG.

    P.S. Try her out! ;)
    P.S.S I have named her Widowmaker :D
  2. WantstoWhine

    WantstoWhine New Member

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    I like Rate of Fire, Skill Cool-Down and reload speed. Make sure you're constantly pumping 'nades everytime X lights up.
  3. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Railgun isnt that good. For any class other than a tank and a gunner it shouldnt be too much of an issue, either bunny hop or just hide (3 shots for a sniper FTL) and they can regen their hp whilst you can do nothing
  4. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    My tank runs:

    Rate of Fire (G)
    Armor (S)
    Skill Regen (B)

    The above suggestion works too.
  5. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Don't assume you are the only person putting damage on a target.

    Hit someone twice with the rail gun and they can't advance until their health regens or they risk death. It is one of the best harassing tools in the game. Railgun + product grenade 3 is also enough to take out many of the non beefy classes.
  6. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Once the first railgun hit lands i find most people either run away and ignore you like a fly or bunny hop madly. If I wanted to play a sniper, guess what, Id play the one which 1 hits everything
  7. vintoks

    vintoks Member

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    At extreme ranges hit them with your grenade first and then railgun them, it will significantly increase your chances of finishing the kill before they run for cover.
    Last edited: September 12, 2010
  8. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Glad you headshot everything as a sniper.

    Again, the rail gun is an amazing asset because of the damage it puts out at extreme ranges while moving/jumping without scoping in. If you are hit by a tank's rail gun while being fired at by other bots/pros/turrets, you are pretty much screwed. It drops your health in bursts rather than damage over time like gunners and assaults at long range, making it an amazing supplementary damage source. People really need to break out of the 1v1 mentality when theory crafting in this game.

    And as the other poster pointed out, stationary targets should always be hit by a product grenade before the rail if applicable.
  9. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    I'm going to give it a go just because of your re-christening.
  10. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    If a rail tank got the drop on me this is exactly what I do. Hide for a sec then charge at him erratically with the guns blazing. The Railgun just doesn't do enough damage to heavies. And the tank is so slow he's not a very good sniper. Real snipers are quick little buggers..... the smart ones retreat when they see me running at them.
  11. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    And have you tried hitting any of the thin classes at range with that thing? Its like shooting a fly with a bow and arrow
  12. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    What a lot of people probably don't realize is the rail gun is hitscan

    No bullet travel time and no damage drop
    With rate of fire and a steady hand that shiz is a beast

    And ya if you hit them with the leveled up grenade first its almost always a kill
  13. Qbakies

    Qbakies New Member

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    I main the tank with a focus on the RG. My favorite build is:

    Gold - Armor
    Silver - Clip Size
    Bronze - RoF

    Pro killing is a secondary objective to me as my main focus is clearing/pushing lanes, destroying turrets, and harassment. I also build a lot of turrets.
  14. EdSoulman

    EdSoulman New Member

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    I'd Give the Railgun a headshot ability. It seems silly that only one class in the game gas the ability to nail headshots, so why not give it to the tank? Not that the snipers will be happy.
  15. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    What people also dotn seem to realise is its accuracy at range (vs characters smaller than the tank+Gunner) is quite poor and even with a product grenade 1 shot will not 1 hit any character.
  16. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I never said it would 1shot them, the grenade is mainly useful for the blind effect making it hard for then to make cover before being dropped a lot of the time, the damage is just a bonus

    And idk what you been smoking but I've counter sniped many snipers with the RG
    it's accuracy is amazing no matter what range
  17. DAlicious

    DAlicious New Member

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    I admit when I saw railgunning posted in the tank strategy thread a few weeks ago I ignored it but I was playing by myself earlier and ran into mcshammas and he was quite effective with it. I held up fine as a jet gun tank but it was on lazerazor which I consider the most friendly jet gun tank map - I imagine it's even better on ammo mule/steel peel. I'll definitely be trying it out on steel peel next time I play as I normally just change classes for that map but I can now see it would do well there.

    So for people considering it I guess I'm giving it an endorsement as a (I'd like to think) pretty good jet gun tank who never considered trying it before but was impressed by opponents railgunning :p Certainly he gave me more trouble than gunners usually do (I consider competent gunners the most difficult thing for my jet gun tank to deal with). Of course player skill can be a factor as well, for all I know people I've seen railgunning were just good in general and could have been more effective as something else.

    I'd be interested in hearing what endorsements people use on it as well - from what I've seen I could see myself using it on steel peel and ammo mule while playing traditional tank on grenade3/lazerazer. The skill tree would be different too I guess.
  18. Ke77e

    Ke77e New Member

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    I main the tank for most of the time with following setup:
    Rate of Fire (gold)
    Armour (silver)
    speed (bronze)

    This being said, I have the impression a lot of people see the rail-gun vs jetgun issue as a black and white issue, while they are complementing each other. Both guns, when used properly are a great COMBINATION of weapons.

    The best tanks I have encountered so far are adepts in harassing you with the railgun and finishing it of with the jetgun if you get too close or sniping you if you stay in their line of fire... frightning.

    The tank just has the option to snipe so it is ridicilous to compare him with the sniper which has oviously the overhand on "sniping". It does not mean you can't use the railgun for some decent sniping! Ok his sniping skills are not tops as for the sniper but it is a usefull option and personally when I can take out whatever (pro or turret) by sniping with the railgun, it is worth it 200% I think everyone will agree that it is a decent sniping tool (its hitscan being its major advantage).

    I really do not main the railgun -although I love her- it really depends on the situation.

    Advantages of the rail gun:
    - option to snipe! repeat: option!
    - keeping other tanks at a distance
    - delaying the other team while they recover from some well placed shots
    - taking out firebases, provided there is not a support healing them.
    - Harrasment and confusion!!!
    The jetgun has its merits too:
    - death blossom for easy bot kills
    - deploy jetgun to take down turrets or moenyballs in no time, especially juiced
    - quick chaos kills with DB (especially assasins in a flock of bots)
    - close combat with gold RoF is killer!

    Conclusion: a well balanced tank can not go without the railgun,... nor without the jetgun...

    and then I did not yet talk about mixing it up with your skills for added effect... but that's a whole other topic I guess.
  19. OhGypsy

    OhGypsy New Member

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    you need to play me


    all you do is diss on the tank
    you've probably never even played a good one

    give me your GT
  20. Ke77e

    Ke77e New Member

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    and face the power that is railgun! :D

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