Environmental modifiers and terraform Unit.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by xxswatelitexx, November 30, 2013.

  1. xxswatelitexx

    xxswatelitexx New Member

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    One thing I would love to see would be environmental modifiers. Not just simple things like mountains blocking LoS or Hills providing a defensive advantage, but things like a water vortex forming when a large tech 3 ship explodes in the water, causing any nearby ship to be dragged in. So before your unit dies, you send it into a suicide run into enemy ranks instead of trying to save it.

    Or if 2 many Hover based Aircraft [Lifters \ Helicopters \ etc] causes a sandstorm forming. Which results decrease LoS for units in the sandstorm, and damage to units within. this would prevent a quick ammasing of units in an area. It could also be used as a tactic to stave off a battle.

    Lava planets cause units to suffer a damage buff, but in turn offers much more resource. Volcanos exploding on lava planets which cause temporary lava spills based on how many explosions are happening. Resulting in any units caught in the lava spill territory [demarcated by dead ground surrounded by living land.] Will get destroyed.


    Also less likely a terraform unit, which can raise and lower terrain. So you can create natural barriers.
    kalherine likes this.
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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