Well I managed to have a quick looksee while waiting for the linux client (handy having a work laptop sometimes) one thing I noticed is there is no easy way to just select a unit type. My main concern was with builders but thinking a bit further a slight UI enhancement to help select unit types would be good eg: rectangle select an area, it is a mix of air,sea,land,walker... build and combat. if a small UI then appeared on the left edge that allowed you to just highlight (eg left mouse) or de-highlight (eg right mouse) you could easily split out your forces [combat] [build] [bot] [land] [sea] [air] on the left edge (or icon for smaller visuals). You can then easily select all the air-builders or land+bot combat
I assumed something like this would be coming later on but was having trouble earlier, many times I've grabbed some builders by mistake and sent them off with some units. :lol: Serves me right for not paying as much attention as i could have been though.
Supcom had this to a degree, you could see which units you had selected and then either deselect one from the group or select only that group. Until we get a UI for build queues and for showing what is selected however there's not much that can be done.
quite a few RTS games have that as well but I always felt it was lacking, especially in coordinating a large army, especially after a skirmish. DoW had something nice, a small UI which selects the next idle builder. What I am suggesting is extending it further. Yes having a nice UI so you can then deselect certain units or unit types is nice, but can still get clutters. being able to select all buiding airunits however in a ui as I mentioned should help.