Hello, Are you planning to include engineers in the game? Really hope you scratch them and let the players build on planets with an egg, base or commander. Maybe let the building build slower and show up on radar with a ping the further away from base. In my opinion engineers spamming and micro is obsolete, and does not provide anything fun to the gameplay besides cluttering and unnecessary micro. What do you think?
So how are you going to set up bases on multiple planets, if the only mobile unit you have for that is the Commander?
I would suggest you send a probe to the planet you want to colonize. Could be a small egg or a base HQ.
An interesting idea - perhaps a bit too drastic? All I'd like to see on the subject is the ability to interrupt a factory queue, make a couple engineers, then automatically get back to whatever it was that the factory was doing. I can't tell you how many times I decided not to build more engis in SupCom because I would then have to reconfigure my factory after it was done. When I did build engis, I wound up with about 20 of them because I forgot to disable the queue repeat.
This could already be done in FA by taking advantage of the Factory Assist System, only catch was that you needed at least 2 factories to make use of this, but I don't forsee that being a problem in PA. Honestly, I'm confused as to what you're trying to accomplish and what problems you're trying to solve. First you say that you don't want Engineers, then talk about the Egg or the base building itself(how does a base build itself when it doesn't exist yet???) and what's this about building buildings and radar pings based on distance from base? You'll have to give me some context because I'm pretty sure you have some unmentioned assumptions here. All in all I just can't make heads or tails about what you're trying to say, you cram too many topics together and don't give each topic enough description and explanation. Mike
Sorry what, explain? I don't see how factory assisting can allow you to interrupt a build queue, build some engineers and then automatically return to the previously queued repeat build.
So if you have 2 factories, 1 on loop queue and the other assisting you could build 2 engineers on the slave factory, set a rally and the slave factory would build those engineers and send them to its rally and then return to assisting the master factory and sending units to the master rally.
You have a 'Parent' Factory, it has your main Build Queue on repeat, you also have 5 'Child' Factories, they don't have a queue of their own, but they Assist the 'Parent' Factory and build units based on the 'Parent's' Build Queue and uses the 'Parent's' Waypoint as well. If you wanted say 5 extra Engineers or something, what you can do is select one or more of the 'Child' Factories and order them to build the 5 Engineers, anything they are currently building for the 'Parent's' Queue will be finished, then it will proceed to build the 5 Engineers and use the 'Child' Factory's Waypoint(NOT the Parent's), once the 5 Engineers are built it will automatically resume assisting the 'Parent' Factory just as before. Mike