Simple question/ suggestion; Can there be an option to change the spray used by the engies currently. Green is nice but i think itd be cool to have it where players can change it at will, While this would probably be easy via modding, id find it more convenient to have it as an option in game.
It'd make sense if the buildings/units being constructed were team color as well then. I'm not sure how I feel about that though, I'd have to see it in action. It might actually be good, at least worth mocking up. I would defer to Uber though.
I would actually find it to be a useful feature if the different engineer types used different colours, or even better, different particles alltogether. I really liked the different styles of building beams in each faction of Supreme Commander, especiall the cybran drones were really cool. Even without different particle effects I believe that having, say, green particles for ground engineers, yellow ones for bots, blue ones for naval and red ones for air engineers would help to distinguish them better in cramped bases and generally highlight that the specialized engineer system exists.